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"Hey lovebirds, get a nest!"

A female voice cut us from our Shakespearean moment. I immediately disconnected the oneness of our lips and paced to the direction of the voice.

"So, you're just having breakfast, huh? You were pecking his lips and claim that you are just having breakfast? We're not raised to break a heart using our bare hands." She stopped in the middle of the lobby to slap me with the truth. With what I'm doing, I'm unconsciously but slowly breaking Henry's heart into pieces.

"Please, don't get mad at her. She didn't do anything wrong." Henry pleas.

"Stay out of this, Henry. Please, just go back to the studio. You still need to rehearse."

"But I'm not leaving you. Not under this circumstance."

"Please. Just leave."

"But, love---"

"Just leave!" I screamed to his face earning an attention from the people roaming the hospital lobby.

"And what brought you here?" I screeched to my sister.

"I was to return your house keys but Janey told me that you rushed Laurie to the hospital so I followed you here. But I wasn't ready to witness such a steamy kissing scene."

"It's not like that." I defended myself."

"Not like what? If you're really going to the formation house, then you'd better fix yourself now. I told you, taking Uncle Ronan's offer is not really a nice idea. This just complicates your life. You have to ascend before you hit the rock bottom."

She just hit me with the truth. Why did on earth I let myself be in this position right now? I'm not supposed to behave amorously without serious intent. My parents did not raise me this way. I should be working hard to fulfill a promise. I should be divinely living under my beliefs and values. But I was unconsciously detaching myself from my masterplan. Can love really make you blind? Or I am just blinded by my made up hallucinations?

My mind rolls like a roller coaster now. I'm more than confused than ever as I search every corner looking for Henry. It's been two hours since I sent him away but he hasn't showed up to the studio yet. I called him but I was transferred to the voicemail.

One moment, I'm hating myself for entertaining an uninvited guest, the other I'm expiring to find him.

I called everyone but none of them has seen Henry. I went back to the Marylebone apartment but he's not there. I went to Teacups but no luck. I drove to the park in search of him and there he was, under an oak tree waving goodbye to a young child.

With raised eyebrows, I jumped to reach and pull the tips of his hair, which made him jump in fear.

Instantly, his fresh eyes brightened and the corners of his mouth curved upward, his arms clasped my tiny frame like a teddy bear he got from a fair. He mouthed his apology and I swear, my heartbeat is not stable anymore.

I drove my Austin Mini, (the car I've felt to drive today) under his stare but I didn't feel bothered. It was like, I'm growing more and more comfortable with him each time we make up.

He carefully let go of my hand when we had to part ways in the hallway. My schedule for this afternoon is already a mess but I'm not flinching. What matters to me is that Laurie and her living creature are fine and Henry. I found him again.

Letting out a breath I never knew I was holding for hours, I pushed the door open and met up with Janelle, Laurie's assistant. She will be taking over Laurie's job for the meantime.

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