The Master Plan

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Henry's POV

It's six in the morning again. I called my mum in hopes that she's already awake.

"Hey, my dear? How are you? I just arrived from South Yorkshire." My mum talks to me jovially.

"Good morning, mum. It's nice to know that you're back in Crewe. You must be really tired. Get some rest, I'm gonna call you later."

"No, no! So what is it?"


"Don't be like that. I know you. I know something is bothering you, so tell me." My mum caught me unguarded.

"I made a woman cry, mum and it's taking a toll on me."

"Woman? Henry I thought you're there to compete and not to play around. Now, tell me."

"I met this 26-year old woman and made fun of her virginity. I know I annoyed her and it upsets me."

"Henry I didn't raise you to be disrespectful to women. It takes a lot of strength to stay out of temptation. Women like her should be highly regarded like a rare gem. It's difficult to stay pure in this century. Hang up now and say sorry to that woman. She doesn't deserve any of these ill judgments."

"I will mum. I love you."

I couldn't think of any creative ways to seek an apology. Should I get her flowers again? A cake? A sorry card? Should I sing her a song?

I grabbed my things again and headed to a park nearby. I need to clear my mind. I was a crap yesterday during the dance rehearsals and I don't want it to get worse today. Andrew and Lattrel are both counting on me. I need to do something. The weight of my emotions are pressing me down.

I just found myself again pressing the button to the fifth floor. A made a soft knock before I hear her voice.

She's dunking her buttered bread again to an oddly mint-flavored coffee.

I closed the door and just stood before her with my head down.

"Where are my roses?" She asks noticing that I didn't bring her anything.

"I'm afraid you're not having new roses today. No cupcakes too."

"You're supposed to bring anything as a peace offering." She raised an eyebrow in disappointment.

"I don't want coated apologies. I come here stripped of pretensions. I'm sorry if I was an asshole yesterday. I don't want to defend or even justify myself. I know my fault and I'm asking you; not bribing you to forgive me."

"Hey! Don't be silly! I've got a share too. I should not have been too sensitive. I'm in England and not in a convent. So, no worries. Forget about it."

We both started to laugh and I'm glad that we are ok now. I can't go on like this for an another day.

"You know what? My mum said someone like you is a rare gem."

"Like a rare gem you could sell to earn pounds?" She asks while sipping her coffee.

"Never like that. Instead, you're rare gem that will make someone drop everything he has just to have you in their chest. "

"Nah! Women like me are like trophies. Once grabbed, men would house us in shelves to help collect the dust. No arguments, because I'm telling the reality. Too good I'm spared." She smiled confidently.

"Spared?" I ask in confusion.

"I'm spared because dating and marrying things are obviously not for me. I believe that I can do better if I'm not committed to someone; to a boyfriend or a child."

My chest is aching upon hearing it from her. I know I'm still too young but what I feel for her is simply beyond being friends and way farther than just being her lover.

"What if something inevitable happens? Like you meet someone and get pregnant coincidentally?" I contradicted her.

"That will never happen. I've authored my life to be single until forever. I've had plans and will never let someone ruin it."

"You know what, Henry? In this life of uncertainties, you've got to have your master plan ready. You must know how to topple hindrances. And you must know how to prevent them from happening. You just can't go with the flow. You must go against it."

Her words are like daggers shooting my young heart. She's already got her life tailored according to her master plan and unfortunately, nobody's involved, not even myself. But I'm not losing hope. This life is full of uncertainties and I'll cling to that.

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