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I tried so hard to cover up my bloodshot eyes. I don't want any remnants of last night's encounter.

"I'm sorry, Fr. José but can I have a minute?" I politely asked the parish priest.

"Anytime, Zarene!" He nods as we leave the sacristy.

We were seated at the convent's rooftop and having coffee when I opened up.

"Fr. José, I met someone and he told me he loves me."

"And you're falling for him too?"

I nodded in agreement.

"I could remember you from four years ago. Knocking on my office door begging to be a mass reader even if you have to take the two earliest slots. You even showed me your recommendation from your parish priest back in your hometown. I was hesitant then to have you because you were barely adjusted to the British culture and you were so naive then. But through the years, you continued to prove me that I've made a good decision. I listened to my heart then." He revealed his thoughts from four years ago.

"What do you mean, Father?"

"That you should listen to your heart. I'm aware that some of my sacristans are coveting your heart, not to exclude the deacons. But you never gave any of them a chance. Then there's this stranger who completely lives the other life around and yet, he has already shaken you. Listen to what your heart says, it will never deceive you and just ask for His guidance, He will never forsake you. Never ever repeat the mistake that you committed four years ago." Fr. José concluded his advice.

"Thank you very much Father. I'll listen to my heart, I'll listen to what He has to say." I kissed his hand before we parted ways.

I went back to the church to isolate myself in prayer. The moment I stepped out of the church's grounds, I sent Henry a text message, apologizing for my crappy behavior.

I drove straight to the Fontana Studios and headed straight to work making sure everything is fine before Mr. Lynch arrives today.

10:00 o'clock in the morning and Mr. Lynch is already heading to his seat in front of the stage asking for the progress of the Saturday live show.

That's when I presented my proposal for having an interactive channel on youtube where the viewers could send their questions to their chosen contenders and the contenders will answer them. The channel will also feature behind the scenes footages and a spin-off show.

Mr. Lynch approved my proposal and designated me as the overall-in-charge of the social media promotion.

Shane will be the production manager while Laurie will become the fashion director and as for me, I will be the line producer. .

I've immediately put my approved proposal into action. Setting up a channel and other social media accounts for The Ikon Season 1.

With social media, we can promote the show with less production cost but will gain more revenue.

I headed to the production room and asked if Shane could lend me a camera man and a light man. I need to brief the crew before the contenders arrive in an hour.

Too good, the briefing went good and when the contenders arrive, we briefed them about my social media project and everyone thought it was cool and can't wait to answer questions. We advised them as well to create social media accounts to personally interact with their fans but reminded them as well to be sensitive on everything they post or reply.

The camera began to roll as the contenders rehearse. We need to tape at least four segments that will serve as fillers during this week's live show.

It's been a tiresome day but I'm glad that we manage to move forward with our goals. I'm too preoccupied today to think of that 'kiss'. This is what I need, distraction. So, when I reached my house, I immediately submerged myself to tons of replies on our social media account. I need to skim the substantial questions from a haystack of insignificant ones.

It's almost one in the morning when I shut off my laptop and headed to bed. I turned the alarm on and drifted to slumber.

"I just want to be your man. That's my only desire."

"I'm sorry. I'm afraid I can't be the one for you. Please find someone else who deserves your love."

"Why do you keep pushing me away and not giving me a chance? I can't give you the stars above, but I my heart is larger than the Milky Way. Why are you afraid of falling in love? Why are your doors already closed to something who hasn't even come to your way yet?"

"Please Henry, don't make me hate you. Please."

"Then tell me why? I need to know!"

"I'm entering the----"

Cold sweats are dripping down on my face when I woke up. Everything seemed so real from my dream. I could still feel the tension even though it was just a dream. I want to tell Henry the real reason but I'm scared he will not understand it. It's good for him to know that I just can't reciprocate the feeling rather than realize the real reason.

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