Under the Emerald Gaze

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I drove to a country store near Mardale to buy staples for Markus. He was so keen as he carefully inspects each shelf and jumped when he saw rolls of fruit pastilles and bars of Swiss chocolates. But that smile was immediately replaced by a frown when he remembered Sister Elizabeth's orders.

My heart was pinched a hundred times as I watch how he carefully put back the sweets to its shelves.

I retracted the sweets from the shelves and placed it to my basket along with the boxes of his favorite cereal.

I want him to live while he's young. Enjoy the things that normal kids do. He's growing up and starting to compare things from unusual to usual.

He couldn't contain his happiness when he saw the things I have spread on the counter.

"Just keep our little secret." I uttered as I pay the bill.

He was so happy and couldn't stop humming a nursery rhyme he learned from school. His eyes grew wide as we enter the Fontana Studio. He was so amazed of its gigantic size and couldn't stop adoring the place.

Next thing I knew he was already up on the stage and pretending to be performing in front of the judges.

The stage crew clapped their hands and the tiny one ran to me and buried his face on the pleats of my dress.

"Daddy? Daddy Henry!" He ran towards Henry who then gave me a "what's happening look".

I ran to them and quickly brought Markus to my arms.

"Markus, say hi to Henry. He's mommy's friend." He then waved his hand to Henry and handed him a chocolate bar.

I knew the tension is already starting to build between me and Henry so I immediately headed back to my place and spread coloring books for Markus.

"I never knew that you could grow an ovum to a child overnight." Henry whispered to my ear.

I grabbed his collar and hissed, "Stop being cheeky, I'm with a kid!"

"And I haven't properly apologised for my mistake. Don't worry, I'll make up for that." His breath is almost fanning the pendent of my ear.

"Mummy, I'll have the coloring book later. I have to finish my homework first." Markus obliges.

"No problem my dear. Just let me know if you need anything." Planting a gentle kiss on his cheek.

The contenders begin to rehearse for the group performance followed by the guest performers. I can never forget how Markus got starstruck when the Blackeyed Peas hit the stage rehearsing a medley of their hits.

"Nice to see a Filipina in a production like this. It makes me more proud of our heritage." Mr. Allan Pineda Lindo tapped my shoulder.

"Can I thrust myself into your heritage team? As far as my genes are concerned, I'm also a Filipina." Ms. Nicole Scherzinger, our guest judge interrupted our conversation.

"Then if that's the case, we can establish an army, a not very strong army." I giggled under my intimidation.

"Mommy, I'm starving!" I looked down to see little Markus tugging the hem of my dress.

I excused myself and knelt down to his level.

"No worries my dear. I've got you here. What do you want?"

"Hey kiddo! I've got rice pudding. Wanna have some?"

I was about to protest when I saw Markus already stuffing his mouth with rice pudding.

"Come on little one, you could stay with me so your "mum" could finish her job.

And Markus was already waving goodbye to me with Henry carrying his coloring books.

Henry just smiled at me and gave me that "don't worry, I can manage" look.

One hour later and massive footsteps can be heard as Markus runs down the hallway with Henry behind him. Laughter can be heard while Henry piggybacks Markus. Then they disappeared in the hallway's corner.

Two hours later and the two haven't returned yet

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Two hours later and the two haven't returned yet. I went down to the hallway and started looking for them. And then they were with Laurie who's applying hair lotion to Henry's bunch of curls, Markus was sleeping comfortably in his arms.

A small smile crept out of my mouth as tears start to well up in my eyes. I'm happy that even for a short period of time, Markus felt dissimilar.

Henry notions me not to make any unwanted noises so as not to wake up little Markus.

I slowly slid out my phone and took a picture of them. This is something I would cherish until forever.

I may not always be there with Markus in the future, but I've met someone who could look after him with adherence.

A few more minutes and Henry carefully lays Markus at the backseat of my car and gently leaves a goodnight kiss on the child's forehead.

"Thank you very much for taking care of him while I polish the show tonight." I stated as I load my trunk with Markus' things.

"No worries, baby honey. It's my pleasure to be with him. I'm sorry but I noticed that he's zealous about having a companion."

"Yeah, I'm aware of that. His parents abandoned him when he was just a baby and was raised by nuns. He was already two when I moved at the convent and started taking care of him. I was gutted when I left him for college two years ago. And he just started preschool and now he's starting to compare his situation from the other kids." I tried not to sound shaky.

"I'm sorry if I can't be with you guys tonight. He's got school tomorrow." I diverted the topic to conceal my sadness.

"That's alright. You've done so much for us. No matter what happens tonight, I will remain grateful to you all my life."

"Don't worry, you won't be eliminated tonight, but maybe next week." I squealed, tapping his shoulder.

He just smiled at me and turned serious.

"About last night, I'm very sorry for being audacious; for violating you. I was surfaced by my emotions." Tears are slowly forming under his emerald gaze.

"I know, I know. You are already forgiven. Just don't do it again. . . Or else I'm gonna ruin everything in my masterplan." The last phrase failed to escape my lips.

"I guess, you need to go back inside. The show's starting in a few hours and you haven't fitted your outfits yet." I shooed him with my hands.

"I love you, baby honey." I heard him whisper but I pretended not to hear it and just clicked my keys to the ignition.

I could still see him standing at the parking area as I leave the main gate, still waving his hand in the air.

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