Candy Floss and Pink Balloons

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Henry's POV

I woke up with my head pounding in pain. I've drunk too much last night but I can still remember how I confessed my feelings to her. The look in her eyes as she tried to process it. I wonder if she'll believe it or not. But for now, I need Paracetamol and another five hours of sleep.

Five hours later

It's almost two in the afternoon and I'm feeling better now.

I dialed Ms. Zarene's number. I need to talk to her.

"Hello, Ms. Zarene. I'm sorry about last night but I wonder if we can meet up for dinner? Somewhere with no paparazzi, I guess."

"Okie dokie! I'm free by seven thirty. Just text me the address."

I decided to clean the flat while everyone's gone. I'm really stupid for trashing the place and breaking my guitar. But my friendship with Ms. Zarene's is way more important than that guitar. I can buy a guitar whenever I want but my Ms. Zarene is one of a kind.

Two more hours and I'm done reorganizing the place again. I still have enough time to get ready.

I decided to wear a grey cardigan over a white shirt and grey pants. I know I've got an odd fashion sense but this ensemble can somehow top with Ms. Zarene's normal choice of clothing.

By seven in the evening, I'm already entering Casa Filipinas. A Filipino restaurant at the heart of the Marylebone high street. I found this restaurant while looking for a flower shop.

I inquired on my reservation and the staff led me to a table that is almost hidden from the crowd. I feel the pounding of my heart beat as I wait for her and soon, I saw her entering the restaurant and the staff assisted her.
"Sorry, if I'm late." She apologises while taking the opposite seat.

"No need to apologise, you're not late. I should be the one apologising for dragging you here despite your busy schedule."

"Henry this is cool! How did you find this restaurant?"

"I walked over here while looking for a flower shop two weeks ago. I know you'll love to be here. Ah, by the way. These are for you." I shyly handed her the bouquet of flowers.

She sniffed the flowers again while I hand her the menu card.

She looks so cute while sniffing the roses, something that could make me last a lifetime.

She's got spring rolls for appetizer, kare-kare (with no fat and less condiment) for the main course, leche flan for the dessert and strawberry juice. It's weird because I ordered the same. She was teasing me while we're waiting for our orders.

"What's with the no fat and less condiment?" I ask out of curiosity.

"It shall be a perpetual statute for your generations throughout all your dwellings, that ye eat neither fat nor blood. Leviticus 3:17" She answers in defence.

"You really practice your principles, huh? But it's fine. Because if people eat more fat, they've got more chances in meeting the Creator soon."

"The Bible is the manual of my life. It never failed to guide me."

A few more minutes and the appetizers arrived. The spring rolls taste good but Ms. Zarene's homemade spring rolls taste better.

She taught me how to eat kare-kare which is a mixture of different vegetables and ox body parts with peanut butter sauce to be seasoned by a condiment native to her country. We're having our dessert when I brought up the incident last night.

"I'd like to apologise again for my behavior last night. I haven't made up with the first one; yet I've already created a second trouble."

"It's been done. What you can do is to never do it again unless you're 21 already. Yes, liquor could make you forget your problems for a while but it doesn't fix things; oftentimes, it triplicates the problem." She stays calm.

"I just can't forgive myself for hurting you. I'm hurting too because of the false claims the media has put on you - on us." I tried not to sound shaky.

"If you let all those rumors get in your nerves, you're gonna die young. Life is short, live it according to your master plan. Keep doing your thing and never overthink."

I held and kissed her hand. She's really different. She always stays calm and positive.

I don't want to end this night yet so I asked if we could take a walk at the park.

There are a few people in the park and she jumped like a kid upon seeing a candy floss cart and the next minute, she's tied a couple of pink balloons on her wrist and started prancing around like a child

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There are a few people in the park and she jumped like a kid upon seeing a candy floss cart and the next minute, she's tied a couple of pink balloons on her wrist and started prancing around like a child.

"I've never done something like this for ages. My dad used to bring me and Mabel to a fair every year. We'd be eating candy floss as we fondly call, totton tendi while running around the place with balloons tied on our shirts' labels."

"Umm, Ms. Zarene about what I have said last night." I tried to get the perfect words.

"I mean it. I maybe wasted but I really mean it. I'm slowly falling in love with you. It may sound crazy, but that's what I feel. I felt it the first time I have laid my eyes on you. I love you, Zarene!"

"What are you talking about Henry? That's absurd! You know that those kind of things are out of my zone. I'm sorry Henry. Please find another one who can mutually give and take your love." She held and squeezed my hand.

"I don't care if you won't reciprocate the feeling but just please, let me love you." Tears are motioning to leave my eyes.

"The trouble with the younger generation today is that you often see love, the actually thing as a simple feeling. Believe me, love is never simple. I love you is the most venomous phrase."

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