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Henry's POV

I smiled when I saw how she peacefully sleeps on my shoulder. My baby honey had a long day and no one can define how exhausted she is. I deprived her of sleep for the last two nights but she still enjoys every moment of it.

I carefully lay her on the couch and undo her kitten heel. Her toes revealed how much she had for the day. I gently touched her swollen toes as though I could heal it.

"Thank you for taking care of our friend." Mr. Shane utters while fixing Ms. Laurie's blanket. "We've known her for the past two years when I was a senior at Pembroke and she was still a freshman. She gives herself to everyone but hasn't been fully reciprocated but she didn't stop. And I'm happy that she met you. Someone who really cares for her. Too bad! Your love story hasn't begun yet but has already been destined to come to an end."

Come to an end. Mr. Shane's words stabbed my heart. I maybe young and incompetent but I know what I feel towards Zarene is something that could last a lifetime. Something that I could bring up to my death bed.

I want to ask God for answers but I know, He'll let me find those myself. We both have our dreams and unfortunately, I'm not a part of hers while she played a huge part of mine. And whenever she makes the sign of the cross, she makes a warning sign for me.

I gently run my fingers through her dark hair, slowly waking her up as the clock ticks three in the morning. She displayed a confused look but I shushed her, trying not to wakeup our pregnant friend. We bid goodbye to Shane and went on separate ways when we hit the ground floor. She went for the carpark while I walked for the nearest bus hub.

Starting today, I'll be gentler to her. I won't demand for anything any longer. I'll just appreciate and cherish the days when I can call her mine. I'll take each day to show her how much she means to me. If I can't make a love story with her; for sure, I can write a life story while I'm with her. Our alpha and omega has already been written by fate, but what lies in the middle is still up to us. I'll devour on her love until I give back what is lent to me.

And as we unitedly make the sign of the cross, I learned how much this community needs someone like her. The children who gather around her after the mass, the elders who catch up on her enliven persona, the clergy who rejoices for her each day. These are the people who make her dreams and unfortunately, there's no more space left for me."

"Hey, welcome to St. Joan of Arc Parish. I'm Mrs. Carmen Suarez. I've been noticing you for the past three days and it's a pleasure to have you here. Are you from here?" A woman around her sixties greeted me with a warm smile.

"Pleased to meet you, Mrs. Suarez. I'm Henry Walford. I'm with a friend." I replied to her.

"Ah, the pale boy who picked Zarene's Peruvian Lilies?"

"I am scared, I am." I uttered while scratching a bunch of my curls.

"Hello, Mrs. Suarez! How's your trans- Atlantic trip?" Zarene joining our conversation bubble.

"It was great. We've stayed near Lake Tahoe and it's like spending honeymoon again but more of like a marriage retreat. Oh, I've got you a bag of goodies. Stuffs that I thought you would have if you could have been with us."

"I'm sorry, if I had to cancel it. I've just got other things to do."

"With a boy this pretty? I wouldn't just cancel a vacation trip, I would instantly call off any wedding plans."

"It's not like that, Mrs. Carmen. Henry's a good friend of mine and - - -"

Zarene stopped midway to look in my eyes. I smiled and she went on with the conversation. Now, I've got butterflies in my stomach.

We left the parking area a couple of minutes later and decided to "have breakfast" again at Teacups.

"She's got her strawberry cake and I'm glad she's got her own self again. The cherries could never take my strawberry away from me.

I felt precarious as I notice three group of girls who are cautiously trying to surround our table.

Zarene also heeded the danger that lays around us and in a count of three, we darted hand in hand to the nearest exit.

Still gasping for breath, we both flopped ourselves to the car seats.

"What was that?" She tried to ask in between laughs.

"Running from the jungle, I guess." I chuckled.

"That's crazy. What if I tripped on the floor? What if I failed to heed them and was left there by myself?"

"If that happened, I would never think twice to run as fast as I could and leave you there."

Her eyes widened in surprise and pulled my curls vigorously.

"Kidding aside, I will never leave you. If you trip, I'll scoop you and carry you to safety." I promised to her.

"Oh crap! This isn't happening." She panicked in an instant.

I was more surprised when I discovered the reason. Christian is parking his motorcycle to a flat located a few blocks from ours and obviously, he's seen Zarene as he raised his hand in salutation.

With Christian and the flock of fans surrounding us, we're dead. But I'm more worried with Zarene's safety than mine. Christian looks like the complete opposite of his name. With unshaved face and leather jacket, he screams danger for my girl. He may be older than me, but I can clearly read his intensions. He also wants my baby honey.

Pushing the car's door open, I slowly crawled on my knees as I check the vicinity and when the coast is clear, I instructed Zarene to do the same and soon, we were both literally crawling on the car dock to shield ourselves from the fans. But she was oddly crawling with two paper bags trailing beside her.

A sigh of relief was released from our chests the moment we reached the flat's living room to get up to a couple of dozen stares from my fellow contenders and Mr. Lynch.

"Can somebody explain to me why the two of you are walking on your knees?" The big boss howled to us.

"I'm scared we get mobbed outside so, you know. We needed to crawl to hide ourselves." I squirmed.

"I'm sorry to hear that but that's the asking price to fame. Losing your privacy and becoming a public property."

"I can manage everything if I'm on my own. But I'm with Ms. Zarene. I swear to God, if anyone lays a finger on her." I said under gritted teeth.

"Alright. I'm going to hire a security team to guard the flats 24/7. And I expect every single one of you to cooperate. Limit your public presence and if you can't really avoid going out, go in groups."

Everyone nodded in agreement but I am still restless, particularly with Christian's presence. I know he doesn't appear randomly in different places.

Jealousy is starting to eat my system as flashbacks begin to play in my mind.

Her car came to a halt. People in groups were scattered all over the exterior of the flat. I knew no one noticed us except for a twenty-something rugged man who was parking his motorcycle. Panic instantly crept up in her system. Was he following her? What was he doing here? I don't know. Because all I know was that sight was squeezing my young heart in jealousy.

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