Love History

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I hit the stop button on my alarm clock.  The sun is barely rising. I woke up early  as I have some other things to do before the 1:00 p. m. call time.

I prepared breakfast for everybody and did some cleaning of the flat. It's a little disgusting to find used undies sitting on the baluster.

It's already eight in the morning and everyone is still sleeping. I left a note on the fridge telling everyone that I'll meet up with them in the studio.

I tucked my earbuds and grabbed my backpack before heading to the nearest bakeshop to buy cupcakes and pies. I still have time to personally pick up my order from the flower shop before the north bound bus leaves at nine.

"Oh, young man! I have a feeling that you're gonna get her big "yes" today. The old lady from the flower shop teases me.

"Oh, no, no. It's not like that. I'm buying roses for a good friend. She's spending a whole week in the infirmary." I answered shyly.

"She must be one lucky girl. Lucky because she's getting six red roses on a daily basis from a good friend."

I handed her my payment and said goodbye.

It took me twenty minutes before I arrive at the infirmary and headed straight to her room on the fifth floor. I took a deep breath before I made a gentle knock on the door.

She was having her breakfast when I opened the door. She was a little bit surprised to see me but she still managed to give me a sweet smile.

She looks better now with a hint of lip and skin color, way different when I carried her almost lifeless body.

I smiled back and handed her the cupcakes. Her eyes grew bigger in amazement to see the strawberry toppings.

"Well, I firmly believe that those flowers are for me too

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"Well, I firmly believe that those flowers are for me too." Her shy giggle almost melted my heart.

"Yeah! Especially for you."

And she stimulated her olfactory nerves to her delight. She's like the little girl back home who always sniffs my mum's flowers in the front yard. So innocent and naive.

She suddenly pulled the card and read the message before keeping it to the drawer next to her bed. She asked if I had my breakfast and offered me food. I politely declined her offer and I watch her slowly dunk the buttered bread to her cup of coffee. I've never seen anyone do something like that but I find it cute. Four more pieces and she's done. She took her medicines and asked if I could put the roses in the vase next to her bed.

"As far as I could remember, I had six red roses delivered yesterday but what happened to the other three?" I jokingly uttered upon realising the discrepancy.

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