The Invisible Man

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Henry's POV

I saw her leave the studio with Aleks and she's still wearing a pound of makeup on her face.

I wish she would realise how beautiful she is inside out. Her perfectionist persona makes her think she's less than of a lady. Does she know that imperfection is the new perfection? Does she know that she is slowly imprisoning my heart?

"Hey mate! Where have you been? Here, I've spared you a snack." Andrew handing me a packet of food.

I am fortunate that I found new friends who can rescue me when I feel the urge to be dumb. I know how stupid of me to skip the break to be a critic for Ms. Zarene. I'm really starving but I want to be with her instead.

My thoughts were destroyed when I saw her leaving the studio with her left hand intertwined with Alek's right hand, jealousy slowly creeping up my system. She failed to notice me because her thoughts are gathered around Aleks.

I felt a slight tap on my shoulder.

"Mate, you still have the time to burn whatever you're holding towards her. We are not the type of boys for her level. Even if exhaust our ass up all day, it's still not suffice to buy her a decent meal for a date. If I were you, I would rather focus in this competition. This can somehow get you into places."

He is right. Someone like her will never even take a glance on me. I'm just a boy from the south of Manchester who can barely afford the train tickets.

"I wonder if the two of you are still interested in dancing, because I can make your scorecard dance as well?" Mr. Plighton's arms in akimbo.

We rushed to join them on the higher floor. Of course, we don't want our scorecards dancing to the cross out position.

We stayed in the studio for the next two hours and by the time they released us, we were already like starfishes ready to pile up the bed.

Some managed to eat a late night meal, some are already slumped on their beds.

"Henry, you gotta see this!" Lattrel shouting downstairs. I rushed to see Ms. Zarene's face flashing on the television screen. She attended a charity ball with Aleks but I wonder why she looked anxious. She was fine before she left the studio.

"I'm pleased that you appreciated my blueberry pancakes. I spent half an hour in the internet perfecting the procedures. FYI, I'm not into preparing food and stuff like that."

"No worries love. I will eat and appreciate everything you prepare because I know, you put your heart in it."

"Ahhhh, that's so sweet! I'm glad to have found you my little bunch of cheese curls."

And I felt her lips slowly pressing against my cheek and her hand sweetly cupping my face. I swear to the Highest, I could spend another existence with her. The owner of my life, the beat to my heart, the time to my life, and the love to my song.

"Henry! Henry! It's almost seven o'clock and you're still sleeping! Don't you want to rehearse?" Lattrel slowly drifting my mind to reality.

Everything appears so real. Her voice, her giggles, her touch. . . her kiss.

"Henry, today's call time is nine in case you're sleeping again."

"I'm awake, no need to ruin my morning." I wave my hand to Lattrel's face.

The shuttle bus arrived a little early and took us to Fontana Studios again where we'll be trained along with the teenage female hopefuls.

As the shuttle bus enters the big gate, I already spotted Ms. Zarene's pink Mini Cooper parked right beside Mr. Shane's car. Realising she's already inside the studio sends tornados to my head which is further burdened by the 'sweet dream' I had this morning. I need to get my act together as the four judges will be observing our progress today but my focus seems to collapse whenever she's within the proximity.

And there she is, sitting beside Mr. Lynch. They're like exchanging opinions as they check the paper laid on the massive table.

We were seated on the stage again as they call as one by one to get our respective name tags.

Day 2 was consisted with endless dancing and voice lessons. We're like doing it on repeat but we couldn't complain at least we could still fool around during breaks.

But she never laid her eyes on me the entire time. She was occupied by her constructive observations, emails, phone calls, and ways to accomplish every single task listed on her planner.

I wish she would see me. I wish she would fall into me.

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