The Anchor and the Rope

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Henry's POV

My jaw dropped the moment she entered the dining room. She was at her finest in jeans and black shirt. I couldn't take my eyes off her, saving her image in my memory. I'm afraid I'll never see her wear the same thing again. She may have noticed my uncollected state when her scent started to fill my nostrils. I could run my lips at the back of her ears down to the crook of her shoulder just to satisfy myself with her warm vanilla scent. I could poison myself with this feeling inside.

I'm glad the Indian jasmine scent that she wore earlier today has already become an air freshener.

My tiny moment was crushed when an odd matter hit my mouth and I heard her squealed a laugh. I squirmed when I felt her finger running on my lips, wiping off the excess strawberry frosting that left me frozen for a moment.

Without breaking our eye contact, she stood on her feet and leaned a couple of inches before connecting her lips to mine. Still startled by her fearless behavior, I pulled her waist closer resting her buttocks on my thighs. Cupping her face to fuel up the passion that we are slowly building, I felt her hand runs through my naked chest while the other caresses my wet hair causing the water to drip down on my nape.

I rested my lips on the crook of her neck devouring on her warm vanilla scent

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I rested my lips on the crook of her neck devouring on her warm vanilla scent. I nipped hickeys on her skin marking her as mine at least for tonight.

"Christian? What's with him?" I asked with my lips against her skin.

"God!" She cursed under her whimpered moans. Before I knew it, she has already raveled out her libidinous body from mine and I almost hit myself for the biggest mistake I had unconsciously committed.

Everything seemed so perfect tonight not until jealousy crept out of my salacious mind that I unconsciously asked about Christian right in the middle of our immoral moment.

She might be thinking I didn't see her with Christian. I almost walked out of the front door but stood still on my tracks when I saw her embrace that asshole. Confusion and jealousy clouded my judgement, pretending I didn't see anything.

I neatly folded her clothes and left it in front of her bedroom door. I really wanted to stay the night but she needs space to breath. I know she is more confused than me.

Zarene's POV

Ashamed of a capital sin that I have just committed, I immediately fell on my knees and asked for forgiveness. I've never been morally abhorrent to my faith. I'm so disgusted of myself for being unscrupulous.

With only an hour of sleep, I drove to the church again not only to serve to the mass but to wash away my sins.

In the Name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
My last confession was a month ago.

Forgive me Fr. José for I have sinned. I have been weak to unbridled earthly desire almost tarnishing His temple built in me. I have always walked with the Spirit but last night, I almost gratified the desire of the flesh. I am sorry for this and for the sins that I have committed insensibly.

And the scriptures from Apostle John says, "From everything in the world - the lust of the flesh, the lust of eyes and the pride of life - comes not from the Father but from the world."

When a storm is coming, sailors cast the anchor overboard to hold the ship in a particular place. And when the storm passes by, they rest their faith on the unseen anchor which will secure them firmly.

You are an anchor that the sailors trust; built and rooted in faith but there are storms that will come to test your strength. And you will need courage. Courage. Courage to face the storm. Courage to resist the storm and courage to prevail over the storm.

The storm can wear out an anchor physically, but a real anchor can and will always outlast any kind of storm.

With the courage to be sorrowful for your sins, in the Name of Jesus, your sins are already forgiven. Have a firm resolution not to sin again.

Pray The Lord's Prayer once, then two Hail Marys, ten Apostle's Creed and the Act of Contrition.

Go forth and be courageous, our anchor! And Henry is not the storm that is testing your faith instead he is the rope that will strengthen the anchor.

I always thought I have a stronger faith and belief not until sin comes to test me. I thought he was the storm that was sent to test my anchor.

"Looks like Henry's skipping the Lauds today." Mrs. Suarez asks. "I've just met him yesterday but I have already missed that boy. He's sweet and good with the kids."

"I'm scared he is. It's performance night tomorrow." I answered meagerly.

But it feels different without Henry. It feels incomplete driving my car without him on the passenger's seat. It feels deficient having breakfast at Teacups without him on the opposite chair. Suddenly, something so right felt so wrong and I'm not sure if I can still prevail over the storm.

Henry's POV

I hid myself under an Aspen tree when I saw Zarene's car leaving the church grounds and it hit me how much she carries the weight of our last night's encounter and guilt started to flood me. She didn't know that I have purposely intended to persuade her to commit that mistake when I saw her with Christian. The green-eyed monster in me almost made an angel surrender her purity. My selfish desires that I have confessed to Fr. José. I am neither religious nor spiritual but I am ashamed of what I had done.

I was enlightened by the old priest's spiritual advice but still confused with "you need to be strong to keep the anchor from serving its purpose."

When the storm arrives, an anchor keeps the ship in a particular place but it can never serve its real purpose if the rope is unsubstantial to sins. Always envision the cross as the warning sign.

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