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Henry's POV

The next three days comprised us to an endless tail of rehearsing, photoshoots, guestings, presscons and video tapings. Three days and we're all knackered. Too good, we're having some time off tomorrow.

But I'm setting my alarm to six o'clock. It's Friday tomorrow and Ms. Zarene will be discharged from the hospital before twelve noon and Ms. Laurie and I will be picking her up.

I still have the book that she threw on me during our heated argument. I unconsciously slid the book to my backpack when I saw tears forming in her eyes.

Her book got me confused even more. She firmly believes that marrying is not for her but she keeps on reading this book on fulfilling love and marriage. I'm clueless but this book must have been specially given to her by a certain Mr. Magnus Casal.

08/12/2006 Avenida Las Islas Filipinas

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Avenida Las Islas Filipinas

Dear Zarene,

I've got this one while wandering the streets of Madrid and thought of you when I saw this book. I'm not discouraging you or anything like that. I just want you to broaden your horizon and consider the unfolded things. I'm always praying for you. I'm sending this through courier and hope it reaches you soon. I still have some matters to settle here. See you soon.

From: Magnus Casal

I tried to google the name but got unsatisfactory results. He must be a very private person or simply doesn't belong to her class. But he is convincing Ms. Zarene to reconsider her decisions. They must have a special bond for him to interfere her mind.

But it's been four years and Mr. Magnus' interference remained defeated and this unhackneyed woman keeps on disturbing my mind.

6:00 a. m.

I switched off my alarm and headed straight to the shower. It's a struggle to have a shower with a broken water heater. By that time I was done, every inch of my body is covered in goosebumps.

I grabbed my phone to call my mum.

"Good morning, sunshine! I can sense the excitement in my mum's voice.

"How's my little pretty boybander? I saw you from TV adverts last night and to be honest, you really look good on screen. I'm overwhelmed so everyone from our village does. They even plastered the public houses with your made-up posters. . . Hello! Hello, Henry, are you still on the line?"

"Yeah, yeah mum. I'm still on." I try not to sound a little upset.

"I know something is bothering you. Do you want to talk about it?"

"Mum, I met a girl. No, she's actually a woman. She's ten years older than me. But age is not the issue here. I felt that I really fell hard for her. But I cannot make advances because she has already planned her future and that is to remain single her whole life." Tears are already streaming on my face.

"Whew! That's depressing. But son, if you're intentions are pure, maybe you can change her mind. I believe, she hasn't just in that instance yet when someone would come along and really treat her better and make her feel like a queen. On the contrary, I advise you not to take everything a little too serious. For God's sake! You're only 16 and just starting to seize your dreams. Make her your inspiration and not your distraction. With that, I'm really intrigued by her." My mum never failed to give me a fair advice. I'm fortunate that she's not the manipulative type of mum.

Before I knew it, I'm already boarding the bus to the infirmary. I can't wait to see her again. A couple of days is like a couple of light years. I met Ms. Laurie at the reception and made our way to the fifth floor where we saw Ms. Zarene collecting her tiny cards from the bedside drawer. She looks her best now with a wide smile across her face. She's cheerful as ever and I'm relieved.

We were about to leave when I noticed her precarious behavior. She was searching to and fro.

"Ms. Zarene? I ask cautiously?

"I'm looking for my book. I have placed it inside the drawer and I can't seem to find it now."

I slowly unzip my backpack and shed her book. "Here, I've unconsciously slipped it to my bag during our, you know."

I handed the book and she held it close to her chest.

"Don't worry, I didn't read the dedication." I winked at her and her big brown eyes grew bigger.

Ms. Laurie drove us to Ms. Zarene's house in Islington. We helped her unpack her things and headed to Cake Frost for lunch. Ms. Laurie left as she had to run some errands for Mr. Lynch. We went to a grocer across the street to buy house staples. She's very into details before throwing items to our cart. She checks the expiration date, and the net weight of each bottle. I almost laugh at her when she could hardly decide which shower gel she would get. She wanted the strawberry one but it doesn't come in a smaller bottle.

"Why have the smaller one when there's a bigger one." I ask while trying to hold back my laughter.

"If I get the bigger one, there's a probability that the remaining content will be contaminated. Get the picture." She replied with intellect.

But you can still have the bigger one and just transfer them to refill bottles." I challenge her.

"That's an option to consider but I'm not letting those bottles clutter my bathroom."

I raised my hands to accept my loss. She's really unhackneyed, not your typical girl.

Four more circles around the grocer and we're done. She hailed a cab while I push her carts. She almost left the grocer half empty, making herself believe that she needs everything she bought.

I helped her pile her groceries and she makes sure that each bottle or can must be facing in one direction and she stacks them according to their respective expiration dates. I've never known someone who is a little too specific not even the old ladies in my former part-time job.

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