Out of My League

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Zarene's POV

I'm basically hurt. It's hard to exist in this country where virginals are often more judged than their slattern counterparts.

So what if I'm still a virgin? So what if I don't party around and throw my butt to a stranger's lap? So what? It's not my fate to date.

"Lost, huh?" My sister interrupts my mental rants.

"No, I just woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning." I misled her.

"Oh, you've got six new roses today. Looks like you already snapped that kiddo's heart. And strawberry cupcakes and pies!"

My sister has already attacked my cupcakes before I could even defend them.

"Remember, I brought you lunch. So let's just do some bartering here. My buttered tofu in exchange of this cupcakes!" My sister declaring a war.

"But I haven't eaten any of the cupcakes yet." I protested.

"Alright, I'm still fair enough. I'll give you three pieces of cupcakes and pies." My sister thinks she's a fair judge.

"No! On the first place. They're mine. They were given to me. Why don't you call Jeremy so he can buy you cupcakes and pies, so you can stop fantasizing about my food?" I yelled back in victory.

"They're mine! They were given to me! Where's my big sister Zarene? My big sister would equally divide anything between us. She would fairly share everything and would give anything generously. What he has done to you?" She spats at me.

"He didn't do anything wrong. They're mine. You can have three pieces of each but you can't have the entire box."

"I could have the entire box today because you could still have an another one tomorrow from your 16-year old virginal suitor." My sister wouldn't give up.

"I don't know if I can still have another box tomorrow and to your defeat. He's not a virgin anymore."

"For Christ's sake! You two did that thing right here? But how was it?" She teases me.

"Stop being judgmental! You know I'm not like that!" I hurled back.

"But how did you know?" She asks in curiosity.

"We were playing a game of oral slum book and he told me that he lost it when he was 14."

"Ah, that makes sense. But one thing is for sure, you're gonna lose yours to him."

She's my sister. But if she's someone else, I would definitely throw an anthill to her.

"Actually, I'm slightly disappointed. I got judged when I told him that I'm living in celibacy." I almost choked.

"This is a different place. It's not like home where people would build a bust statue for you and worship you. This is England. Past-paced England. A place where most of the teenagers top the party poll instead of the academic poll. You should've come here six years earlier so you wouldn't be having this culture shock in your system."

"Do you have any better things to do instead of pestering me? Don't you have an afternoon date?"

"Jeremy hasn't come back from South Yorkshire. So I'm spending the day here with you. Don't tell me, you don't miss your little sister?"

"I don't miss you! How could I miss someone who keeps on draining my cell?" I smiled while throwing a pillow to her.

"That's so mean! Uhhmm, I lost. I know it. If you can't give me the cupcakes and pies, at least let me have the box label. I'm gonna buy some for myself."

How I love my sister. I admire her so much. Sometimes, I wish I could be like her. So free spirited and carefree.

We spent the entire afternoon watching Titanic and munching on my cupcakes. Oftentimes, God's timing is perfect. I still see something great happening in my mini hospital vacation. I'm here spending time with my sister which I think we haven't done for a couple of years. It somehow depresses the weight of the things that happened this morning. I must admit, Henry really annoyed me, but I must accept the fact that he's someone who is completely out of my league.

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