Rejected Innuendo

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"I'm coming mommy!"

Markus shouted and almost tripped down the stairs.

"Careful my dear. I know you don't want to attend school with a bandaged elbow." I joked while making his sandwich.

"I'm sorry if I have to wake you up thirty minutes early. Mum really needs to be at the church by six in the morning." I apologized to the little kid.

"That's okay, mum. I haven't attended a mass for months now. Sister Elizabeth would no longer take me to the church because I kept falling asleep during Fr. José's homily. The last time I did that, I snored and was being told off by Sister Elizabeth."

"Ah, so that's the thing! Promise me, you're not going to fall asleep during the mass or you won't be spending your weekend with me." I jokingly tell him as I fix his bow tie.

"Promise, mummy!" His right hand shooting up in the air.

"So, we're ready to go. Let me see. Hmmm. School uniform looks prim and proper, gilet is in the corner, homework is perfectly answered, umbrella, snack box and an angelic smile. Looks like we're ready to go."

"Mom?" He asks as if waiting for my approval.

"Yes, my dear?" I warmly asked him.

"The presents under the Christmas tree. I wonder if I can already have mine." He pleas with flushed cheeks.

"Yes, of course my dear. Go and get it." I smiled as I see a huge smile leaving his tiny pink lips.

"I'll open it this evening before I go to bed. Thank you so much, mommy!" Locking his arms on my legs.

"No worries. Go get your snack box, we're leaving."

An hour later

"Congratulations, little Markus! For the first time, you didn't fall asleep during the mass."

The little one stood proud with his gaze fixed at the old priest.

"I should give Sister Elizabeth a call for a miracle this morning."

Markus agreed of his achievement.

"I'm sorry Fr. José, but we really need to go. This little miracle maker got school." We both kissed his hand and headed to the parking area.

"Daddy!" Markus cried out in surprise.

"Hey, buddy! Good morning!" Henry said as he brings the kid to his arm.

"Congratulations for last night!" I said as I ignited the car.

"Thank you so much. But I must be more thankful for having you as our mentor slash screw driver." He blushes.

"Screw driver?" I ask raising an eyebrow.

"Because you drive the screw to meet its purpose in life." He answered scratching his curls.

"Daddy, are you going to accompany me to school as well?"

"It's my pleasure!" Henry answered without withdrawing his gaze on me.

"Yey! I feel like a normal child now! I've got a mom, then a dad. I could only ask for a baby sister."

I cleared my throat as a naughty smile escaped Henry's lips.

"We're getting late. Hop to the car, the two of you!"

It was a fun-filled drive to St. Francis of Paola College with my two passengers throwing banter at each other.

"Alrighty, we're here." I announced as I park the car at the curb.

We then all headed to the preschool building with Markus in Henry's arms again as I carry his school bag and snack box.

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