The Three Idiots

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Zarene's POV

Monday morning.

I'm drumming the surface of my office desk with my fingers, beginning to feel horrified as I wait for Mr. Lynch's cue.

Hello Zarene. I'm sorry to bother you but I need to talk to you tomorrow morning at my office.

My head is spinning as I stare at Mr. Lynch's message on my phone. I'm not stupid to remain clueless. I'm growing nauseous of the thought that Henry is castigated by Mr. Lynch by this time.

The office phone rang that broke me from my overstated thoughts.

I made a sign of the cross as I made a slight knock on Mr. Lynch's mahogany wood door before turning the knob.

"Good morning, angel." Mr. Lynch greeted me with a huge smile on his face.

"Good morning too, Mr. Lynch." I replied frugally as my eyes meet those green orbs in unison.

"Come on, have a seat on a hot seat." Mr. Lynch tormenting the tension in my head. But I'm somehow relieved because it looks like he hasn't grilled Henry yet.

"I'm sorry for this emergency meeting but we need to settle this before the media turns this issue into monsters that will reside beneath your beds."

Mr. Lynch lays the printed online articles on his desk. And to my disgust, they label me as a cradle snatcher, senior citizen, sugar mommy and other distasteful labels they could possibly think.

"I'm sorry for this, Zarene. I'm sorry that you became a prey for this impudent predators." Mr. Lynch discharges himself.

"We're here today to extinguish the sparks, not the sparks between you." He winks to Henry.

"Paparazzi only post anything what their camera has seen, without even getting down the tracks. It's sad to know, but that's the truth. I've seen your interaction with each other and I'm not against it. I know what Henry feels towards you and I'm not going anywhere between the two of you. I'm just wishing that you two will be extra cautious of your actions now that you've become the subject of the public's eye."

A few more advices and we were both discharged from Mr. Lynch's office. Henry was silent the whole time we were there, stealing a few glances to my direction.

"Care for a coffee?" He offered while we're walking down the corridor.

"I'd love too." I uttered as we head to a coffee shop at the ground floor.

"Henry! Zarene!" Laurie waved to us from the right corner of the coffee shop.

"Looks like Mr. Lynch got a double trouble on us today." Laurie uttered as I pull the chair across her.

"What do you mean by that?" I ask curiously.

"We were the first on Mr. Lynch's Monday grill."

"But why? I'm not aware of any issues." I ask her as I hand Henry my discount coupons.

"Mr. Lynch us caught making out at a dressing room's toilet." Shane dropping their steamy beans.

"Wait! Ummm. What did Mr. Lynch say? What's his decision? Are you guys even dating?" I bombarded them with my questions.

"We were official right after the Manchester auditions but decided to be indistinct to expel the complications not until Mr. Lynch caught us last week. I thought he was going to fire us but we're glad he didn't." Laurie summarizes the story for me.

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