Plum and Warm Vanilla

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It's already been half an hour after we finished watching the film and we're all convinced that Iris is our passport to the third week of the competition. The emotion of that song is just too much to bear; a kind of song which seeks justice whenever it is performed just like seeking justice for Seth and Maggie. Justice for the irony of events in their love story.

I roamed my eyes around the living room but it failed to find its favourite sight. She may have left again. My phone then buzzed to a message from her.

Hello Henry. Mr. Lynch will personally coach you for this week, so make sure you've got your piece ready. He's going to be with us the entire day tomorrow. Plus, be prepared as Mr. Lynch wants a separate spin off segment for All Caps. Thanks.

No worries. We've kind of set the right vibe for the song and will be working on the lyrics right now. Thanks for saving us. I really appreciate it, love. Where are you? Have you left? I'm starting to miss you already.

I'm sorry if I wasn't able to tell you guys that I needed to go back to Mr. Lynch's office. The big boss asked for copies of the feedback from the weekend's show and he needs it tonight. Just keep working on the song. I gotta go.

Are you gonna come back here, baby honey?

Baby, honey?



I love you.

I shoved my phone to my pocket when I realised that she wouldn't be replying anymore.

We spent the entire afternoon perfecting our song, withdrawing our emotions from Seth's love for Maggie.

It's a quarter after six and Ms. Zarene hasn't come back yet. My fingertips are itching to type her a message but I know, she'll just ignore it.

"Starting to miss your Ms. Zarene, huh?" Isabel confirms my current state immodestly.

"I've heard she's going to attend her uni classes tonight, so she won't be around until tomorrow. I suppose we can have fun while she's out." Isabel continues to persuade me.

"I'm sorry, Isabel. But what we had is a big mistake. A mistake that I'll never want to commit again. I love her."

"Yeah, you love her but you can never have her, she will never touch you. The old lady will be a dolphin in a monastery, will spend her life doing all the boring stuff until she rots."

"How much do you know of her personal life?"

"Not so much. Never knew that eavesdropping can be a skill. And you know what? You're a jerk for not popping her cherry right inside her ugly car. You dismissed a very interesting Sunday morning news Henry Walford caught deflowering Mr. Lynch's assistant in a Mini Cooper."

My eyes grew darker, fists are clenched in anger and I punched the wall near her face.

"Be thankful that you're a girl." I uttered between my gritted teeth.

"I swear, you're going to pay big for this, Henry!" She howled as she runs back to their flat.

I withdrew my fist off the wall and a few scratches were revealed on my knuckle.

Andrew and Lattrel both hurried to my side with questions on their faces.

"Does anyone know the uni she attends?" I asked as though nothing really happened.

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