The Gaze in the Mirror

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It's almost a quarter before six and everyone's starving and heading to a large space located right across the dressing rooms. We were directed to go down here to eat a light snack before we go back to our dancing lesson.

Zarene's POV

"Laurie, please put more bronzer on my cheeks. I don't need them to look flushed as I am sporting a Spanish-inspired look. And more of that Russian Red lipstick too. I don't have time to retouch so put them generously."

"As far as I'm concerned, you were fine in my eyes an hour ago." A deep-toned voice interjects.

Laurie and I both turned our heads to his direction to find Henry approaching us with a huge grin.

"I said, you looked fine an hour ago, so why put pounds of makeup on your tiny face? You look better with less or no makeup at all. That red lipstick is giving more years to your age, believe me!"

"What? Are you gay or something? Do you plan to be trained in a beauty school?", I ask vexatiously.

"What I'm attempting to say here is that, you don't have to try harder. You already look good just be the way you are. Look at the mirror and see who's staring back at you."

I've never been rated this way before. Back in the Philippines, people would consider me as a different person because I don't look like them and I don't dress like them. Classmates would pull my black curly hair and compare me to the indigenous tribes dwelling in the mountain. They would mock me because of my deep-set eyes. They would make fun of my pear-shaped body and crooked smile. They would tease me as I enjoy my Mentos Dragee flavored Coffee. They would pester me when the Backstreet Boys are going a few notches down on the MTV Hit Charts.

And my eyes met his gaze in the mirror.

"Come on, take that mask off on your face because you are not my Ms

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"Come on, take that mask off on your face because you are not my Ms. Zarene."

"So how's the lady staring at the mirror have in mind?", Aleks retracting me under Henry's reflected gaze.

"Ah, nothing. I just need to redo my makeup. It went a little overboard."

I turned my head to Henry, but he was silently closing the door.

"You're makeup is not overdone. I think it's great! I can tell that you look like a mujer rather than an Armenian school girl."

"Can I just lighten the hues?", I protest.

"I'm sorry but look at the time. It's already half past six and we don't want to be late for the ball."

As much as I wanted to wipe the makeup off, Aleks has a point. We're running late and the traffic to Willister Hall is like a never-ending table runner. We wouldn't make it on time and I don't want to disappoint my stepfather.

"Alright, just give me a sec, I'll just get dressed." And Laurie followed to assist me.

"You know what? The cry baby is right. You don't need tons of makeup to cover up.", Laurie uttered out of nowhere.

"Cry baby?", I raised an eyebrow.

"Henry, the cry baby! He almost cried while you were yanking his teenage dream earlier this afternoon.", Laurie scolds me.

"I heard his compliments and he just really appreciates your natural beauty, he doesn't lie in that department. Just loosen up, he's got the looks to replace Mr. Carter."

I don't know why I'm a little bit harsh on him. First impression lasts maybe.

"Zarene! Are we going or not?", Aleks bursting my little conversation bubble with Laurie.

"I'm coming your majesty! This corset is just a little less cooperative." I joked as Laurie helps me zip up my dress.

Fortunately, traffic kept us at bay so I managed to share a small talk with my mom and stepfather before the guests arrive.

"Holla, mi hermosa princesa!", my younger sister Mabel burst from behind me.

I missed my sister terribly. I haven't seen her for three months and three phone calls a day will never be suffice.

I hugged her and saw a man walking towards us.

"Kindly meet my big sister, Zarene.", Mabel nudges to the unfamiliar man.

"And big sister Zarene, meet my significant other, Jeremy Mearn."

I struggle to catch my breath while I pull my sister's arm.

"How long have you been with him? Why you didn't tell me straightaway? Don't tell me he's the son of Mr. Howard Mearn from Surrey?" Trains of questions are already approaching my platform.

"Yeah, he is the second son of Mr. Mearn. I bumped into him when I tried to stage a 'surprise-visit-turned-epic-fail-surprise' to you in Pembroke, it turned out you were in Manchester to assist Mr. Lynch.", my sister jokingly throws her rage. Besides, you're hiding someone from us as well. I went to your house earlier today and ta-da, there's a green-eyed boy sniffing the Peruvian Lilies at your porch. I didn't bother to approach him because he seems to be lost in reverie."

"You should've called me first. You know how fastened my timetable is. I'm like, one minute I was here, the next minute I was teleporting to another place. And what did you just tell? A green-eyed boy at my porch?" My God, I felt like my head is pounding. If my sister saw Henry, who else from the congregation could've seen him? He's going to ruin my probationary membership in Mexico.

"Girls, the guests are arriving and I strongly suggest that we greet them as a family.", our mom interferes.

My sister humorously shooting glares my way as she clings her hand to Jeremy.

I'm not mad if she decided to date again. After all what she has gotten through from her last relationship, she deserves more than that.

The charity ball went well. It was fun-filled you would almost forgot you were doing it for charity because the donors get their own share of fun too. There are face painting booths for the kids; galleries for the art and furniture enthusiasts and vintage items for auction. The music is good and the food, even better. I'm overwhelmed because my mom used her social status to help the less fortunate people back home. She's not your typical Member of the Parliament's wife. She would rather find ways to help people than flash her diamond rings as what other wives do. I wish I could be like her. But I know, can be like her if I go to Mexico and fulfill my fate.

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