The Elimination

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Henry's POV

Friday. Elimination day.

Everyone seems tormented and it's barely a quarter before six in the morning.

But I'm not like them. Whatever this day brings; it's fine with me but I hope I will be drafted for the live shows. I'm not expecting anything because all I want is to hone my singing skills, plus singing is not my last resort.

We were driven to the studios at four in the afternoon, which prolonged the agony. They put a makeshift waiting room as we wait for our turn to go onstage. A few minutes later and there are middle aged men and women crying and embracing each other. Some were bawling and some were trying to hold their emotions. It's hard to see people fail. It's hard to see it before your very eyes.

"Alright! For the Boys Category, go up onstage now blokes." Mr. Shane signaling our turn.

Now the agitation is streaming with my blood.

Four will be chosen from our category and one hopeful has already been chosen. Then the second . . . third . . . and the fourth and final is James.

I know I am not expecting anything but right this time, I'm deeply gutted. Lattrel came to hug me and Andrew joined us. Eyes are soaked in tears, voices are getting raspier. This is the end.

We went to our makeshift waiting room to gather our luggages

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We went to our makeshift waiting room to gather our luggages. I hope there's still a train that can take me away from here and bring me home. "You still have a life in Manchester." I console myself.

I need to talk to Ms

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I need to talk to Ms. Zarene before I leave. I need to let her know that once in my life, I met someone like her.

"Henry Walford, Lattrel Briggs and Andrew Irving

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"Henry Walford, Lattrel Briggs and Andrew Irving. Mr. Lynch is requesting you to go back on stage." Mr. Shane poked our emotions and we cluelessly went back onstage.

"Ms. Zarene and Mr. Shane, closely followed your respective progress in this competition. Each of you can actually make it big in the industry but due to your young age, it will be hard to sell records unless you start a little older than Justin Bieber. Except under the condition that, we put you into a group that can be marketed as the next Backstreet Boys and Westlife."

None of us reacted. Falling short to grasp what Mr. Lynch has just said.

"You are still in the competition, but will pursue as a group." Mr. Lynch finally clarifies. "Congratulations! And thank Ms. Zarene and Mr. Shane - the ones who plotted this crime.

God is good all the time.

I roamed my eyes all over the place but I didn't find Ms. Zarene. Mr. Shane charading she must be in one of the dressing rooms. I joined my palms and vowed to thank him.

Andrew and Lattrel headed back to the waiting room but I told them that I will be joining them later.

I went to the first dressing room, but she wasn't there, only females who are calling their families to brag about the good news.

Second dressing room and still no luck and in the third. There she was collecting her things and preparing to leave.

"Ms. Zar-rene." I stammer in my words. "I know I don't deserve anything but you gave me another chance. I have no slightest idea to return anything in kind. But I want you to know how grateful I am right now."

And I broke the gap between us to embrace her.

"No worries. Such a small act of appreciation for a big amount of talent."

I held her tighter and she rested her head against my chest. I wish she would not hear the pounding of my heart because I could go on like this forever.

But she didn't rescind. Both of her hands are suspended in the air close to my thighs. Extreme anxiety can be traced on Ms. Laurie's face. Ms. Zarene's almost lifeless body cast against mine.

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