The Meeting

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Henry's POV

I wish I could do anything to lighten her load. Even from across the hallway, I could still hear her muffled sobs. I slept lightly, trying to decode every single movement she made. I wish she let me sleep in the same room with her so I could watch over her through the night but the moment she said goodnight before closing her bedroom door before my eyes, it felt like she closed her existence to me. I kept tossing on this guest room bed hoping I can lace my arms around her until she peacefully falls asleep. I was trying to contain myself, suppressing my knuckles from knocking on her door but I know, she needs this space. I forgot that she's a brave woman. She'll get through this once the sun is up.

3:00 a.m.

I checked the time on my wrist watch. I have slept for two solid hours and I wonder if she has. I tiptoed to spy on her door but didn't hear anything except for Markus' loud snore. Could she be already sleeping?

But I heard sounds of slotted turner downstairs. Could she be awake? I headed downstairs and I stood still on my tracks upon seeing her in pajamas with an apron hugging her waist to perfect curves.

She furrowed her eyebrows before waving the turner in front of my eyes.

"Hey, are you sleepwalking?"

I blinked my eyes a couple of times before responding to her.

"It's just three in the morning and you're already awake?" I asked her.

"It's a Monday. I've got schedule for the Morning Praise and I'm sending Markus to school. You can go back to sleep, it's still early." She motions me towards the staircase.

"I'm not sleepy anymore. Besides, I could still take a nap at Marylebone before meeting up with Mr. Lynch this afternoon."

"If that's the case, then I guess I'll be cooking your breakfast. So, what do you want to eat?" She returned her gaze to me after cracking an egg.

"You!" And I saw her mouth fell agape that signaled me to walk towards her and shut the gas ignition behind her.

"You! I want you for breakfast." I moved a little closer to her until her back hit the granite kitchen counter.

I held her waist and lifted her to the counter, peppering kisses to her hand.

"I want you, I want your smile for breakfast." I almost laughed when she loudly released a sigh of relief and playfully hit my shoulder.

"Do you really think I'll take your virginity right on this counter top?" She bit her lower lip before nodding and burying her face on her palm and letting out soft giggles.

"I respect everything we have. I respect you."

"Mommy, I had a bad dream. The Red Power Ranger took you away from us." We both darted our eyes to the doorframe to see little Markus slowly rubbing his eyes with his prayer pal toy hanging on his right hand.

"Daddy Henry tried to save you but he was badly injured and the Pink Power Ranger brought me to a rice farm."

"Oh, I'm sorry about that baby." Zarene tried to spring free from the granite top but failed miserably. Too good my two strong arms were there to catch her that prevented her to land on the tiled floor.

"How could you be so stupid? You could've hurt yourself, love." I attempted to annoy her and I effortlessly succeeded in doing so but she was quicker to retrieve herself, pulling a massive bunch of my curls. Distracted easily, I almost dropped her to the floor too good she managed to lace her hands around my neck with her legs coiled around my waist totally finding a safer place on my chest and my heart never beat that fast in my entire lifetime.

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