The Strong Connection

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Mabel waves at us as we enter the tea house. The emptiness of the place somehow pleases me. I need a serene place to get down from my chaotic morning. But Mabel's malicious reaction broke my serenity in an instant. It's like I've done something morally objectionable at the sight of me with Henry walking beside me.

"Hey boo! Sorry if I had to leave early. But I'll make it up to you this time." I apologize to my sister as I hand her the menu card.

She remained quiet while flipping the menu card back and forth. Her lack of reaction is already getting to my veins. Today's breakfast with her was made up with nods and 'yeah right' from her and I'm already having a clue of the culprit. Maybe I'm just a little preoccupied that I seldom spend time with my sister.

The squeaking sound of a shoe stole my attention and I saw her heading for the washroom. I excused myself to Henry and ran after her but she has already closed a cubicle.

I decided to retouch my makeup, adding a plum shade to my eyeshadow and plumping my lips with a ceramide shade of pink.

"I haven't known yet that you finally decided to wear pinks on your face." Mabel scoffed behind me.

"Victoria's Secret just released this bombshell palette so I think it's great to have one. It's convenient to carry and the price cut."

"He really has completely changed you in a very short span of three weeks." She lamented.

"Say what?"

"It's a shame that you failed to notice your changes. You're no longer my big sister whom I have known for the past 25 years of my life. You were always the same not until Henry came to the picture."

"Henry? What's with Henry?"

"I know what you did last night. I know you were out on a date with him. I know that he kissed and bit your lips."

My mouth fell agape. I haven't said anything but she knows almost everything.

"Now what? Still thinking for a believable excuse?" Her tone is already raising.

"How did you know?" I finally managed to utter.

"I'm not silly! The evidences are clear. Unfinished strawberry cake, a snap by the London Eye as a lock screen, that bite on your bottom lip. What else do you fail to notice? You're having a grand time with a boy while your sister is waiting in the cold?"

"You could've told me that you're coming. Plus, Henry just showed up in the uni to apologize."

"And that's your way of accepting an apology, huh? You even brought him for breakfast? Nice one, eh?"

"You're just jealous because my attention got divided again and you're clearly thinking that I'm already taking you for granted. Is that so?"

She just nodded but remained silent. Her silence drove me to the edge of my sanity.

"Alright, I kissed him of my own free will. I kissed him twice. I almost said that I'm beginning to feel something.  What else do you want to know? That I got lost under his touch?"

"Shit! You mean, you've already got him between your sheets?" She screamed in shock.

"No, but I got him between my thighs!"

"Like for real?"

"Do you think I'm that stupid to let him ruin my future? Of course not."

"Then why he is with us for breakfast?"

"I don't know. He even showed up for the morning praise. I really don't have a clue." I'm starting to get confused again.

"Can we just go back to our table? I'm still hungry." I asked her so she wouldn't ask me further questions with answers that are beyond my reach.

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