The Good Queen and Her Wicked Consort

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Zarene's POV

It's seven in the evening and the North London traffic is already killing me and I'm not sure if I still can make it to the studio before the show ends. Flashbacks of my day are clouding my mind.

I'm sorry Zarene if this needs to happen. We have extended everything to help you but it will be better if you drop those three subjects rather than having failing grades. But there's still a way. There's this open college in North London where you can take your dropped subjects. It will take a fraction of your time but at least will spare you from traveling from London to here. Well, that's for the good one, and the bad one, we really can't credit your internship as the Lynch Concepts and Productions is not yet accredited by this institution but don't worry that won't delay your privilege of entering the formation house.

All my worries are now into rest and I praised God for that. He never failed me. I've never been more blessed than this.

I made a sign of the cross as I got off my car. The live show is already airing when I entered the production room earning a few aahhss from the crew.

"Hurry, All Caps is next after this break. You can still have your final words for them before they get sentenced." Shane pushed me out of the production room.

I searched each and every dressing room finding Henry in the tiniest dressing room in the studio. I watched him as he paces back and forth, biting his fingers as though it could help him hold back his tears. He looks perfectly fine in his tartan blazer worn over a white polo shirt and the gray baggy jeans is ridiculous but it completed his daydream look.

"I'm actually waiting for you to cry again." I said, breaking the tension in his mind.

He ran to my direction and locked ourselves in a tight embrace, nooking his head to the crook of my shoulder.

For a minute, I felt like a tower of strength for Henry, drawing his solidity from me.

We were like that for the next couple of minutes until he renounced himself from the embrace and kissed my head.

"Thank you for making it tonight." He murmured over my hair.

"Sorry for bursting the bubble, but we're to hit the stage in three minutes." Lattrel hindered our romanticized moment.

He held my hand and we ran through the dim hallway up to the illuminated backstage.

"Do good!" I said under my breath clasping his left hand.

"I will, baby honey." He responded as he disengaged his hand. And I watched him disappear before my eyes to meet his fate.

Then a hand held my arm and dragged me out of the backstage.

I was blinded by the lights around me, screams threatening to deafen my ears. Laurie dragged me to a nice distance from the stage where you could see everything in full view and I watched All Caps nailing their place in the industry.

They were good during the rehearsals but they are displaying a colossal power tonight

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They were good during the rehearsals but they are displaying a colossal power tonight. Grins wouldn't leave their faces as the four judges comment on their performance.

"Today's a different story. Yesterday, you were crappy but today it's a first rate performance. Should I leave this judge's chair and give it to Ms. Zarene? Because two weeks ago, these three boys wander the Fontana Studios like a bunch of idiots but tonight, we've got the next big boy band before our eyes. What do you think Mr. McIntyre?" Mr. Lynch turns to our well-famed member of the audience.

"I'd be calling Nick Carter and Ben Adams for a Martian flight because by tomorrow, all the past boy bands will be biting the dust. Kidding aside, these boys are really impressive for an inaugurated performance. I'm flattered for you have chosen to be like us for this week's theme. It's an honor! Keep it going guys! Thank you!"

By that time Mr. McIntyre has finished his comments, Laurie and I are already jumping up and down like excited kids in a carnival.

We rushed backstage to congratulate them. We saw them running down the stairs to our direction and before I knew it, Henry is already oscillating me like a pendulum in 360.

"Hey! Put me down!" I pleaded under my giggles.

"I agree with her. Put her down, you might crush her tiny body." An unfamiliar voice sounded behind me.

"Mum!" Henry squealed while carefully putting me down and facing the source of the voice.

"Ms. Zarene, please meet my mum, Angeli and mum, she's Ms. Zarene."

My mum enfolded Ms. Zarene in her arms.

"So, you're Ms. Zarene? The reason why my phone rang at six in the morning?" I've heard so much about you; the woman who is too good for my wicked one."

"Ms. Zarene? Is she Ms. Zarene?" An another unfamiliar voice echoed.

"Yeah, Jess. There's no other." He then turns to me.

"Ms. Zarene, kindly meet my crooked sister, Jess."

"No need for a formal introduction, Henry. With your stories, I've already known her cover to cover." My eyes grew wide in surprise, pinching Henry's ear in my thoughts.

"Don't worry, Ms. Zarene. You're a good girl in his stories. The Good Queen and Her Wicked Consort." Jessica snorted.

I'm not ready for this. I'm not ready to meet his family who already has read me like an encyclopedia.

"Don't worry, She doesn't bite. She just ate the strawberry pies that my mum brought for you."

"Because you told mum, she wasn't going tonight so instead of watching those pies expire, I ate a piece. I didn't know that it would be that good and I ended up finishing the entire box."

"And for that, they spent the entire afternoon fighting over an already digested box of pie."

"Enough of that." Henry's mother interrupted us.

"She can have boxes of that when she comes to Crewe, right Ms. Zarene?"

I didn't know how to respond so I just nodded and let out a little smile. I'm having a hard time processing every course. I've met his family and now they see me coming over to their place. I wonder what Henry has told to his family that made them see me as his girlfriend.

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