My Last and First Kiss

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Zarene's POV

I was shaken by Henry's intrepidly daring action and I cursed myself the moment I let out that moan.

I hate myself. I shouldn't behave this way. I shouldn't be affected by that stolen kiss.

I turned the ignition and drove to Mardale Drive, I need to divert my attention.

I met Laurie at the studio and did some brainstorming with the makeup and styling of the contenders.

We're nearly halfway done when my email box prompted to a message from Mr. Joey McIntyre. I'm glad that I'm almost done with the video footages. I immediately downloaded the video and handed the copy to the production team.

"You seem a little peeved today, Ms. Zarene. "Anything wrong?"

"Don't worry about me, I'm fine. Maybe I'm just a little bit tired." I answered while withdrawing my gaze from her.

"I know you. I know there's something bothering you." Laurie insisted.

"Alright, you won! Just don't laugh when you finally know." I ask her to promise.

"I'll never laugh. I promise!" She confirms as she covers our faces with her blue folder.

"Henry stole a kiss from me earlier today and it's strange because I am deeply affected by that kiss. I could still feel his soft lips and warm minty breath. And I-I even moaned. I know I shouldn't behave this way. I'm leaving for the formation house once this competition ends."

To my surprise, Laurie paced back and forth and suddenly screamed in delight.

"Should I call your sister to throw a party tonight?" She exulted.

"Crazy! I'm already growing anxious yet you're planning to throw a party for me tonight? I can't believe this Laurie."

"Party, tonight? Can I bring my crew?" Andrew snaps.

"No party tonight, so bring your crew back to the mountains!" I answered in annoyance.

"Hey, Andrew! Stop messing with Ms. Zarene! She's got a lot of things to do than listen to your blah blahs." Lattrel dragged Andrew to the stage.

Henry walked past us and Laurie elbowed my side.

"Should I buy your boy the most expensive lip balm so his puckers could stay soft forever?" Laurie teases me as she stares at Henry who is already walking towards the other end of the stage.

"Oh, shut up boo!" I replied and took a glance of Henry in the corner of my eyes.

How could he act as though something didn't actually happen? I'm beginning to feel disgusted of myself. Why am I expecting anything from someone who is ten years younger than me? I'm just one of the games that he wants to play. I know his feelings are not real but I cannot refuse to admit that I am moved by him though I know, I will be entering the formation house next spring.

I've made up my mind the moment I shut my organizer. I'm here to work and not to fooled by a fake gold.

I withdrew my gaze from Henry who is hanging out with Isabel and continued working on my laptop. I've got better things to do.

The rehearsals went well and by that time they were dismissed, I've already handed the soft copies of the artists' videos to the production team.

I'm almost done of this week's tasks. But I still need to squeeze my mind for this is just the first week of the competition.

I was about to grab my things when someone snapped them off the table.

"You've had a long day, let me help you." Henry breaking the ice that he was freezing all day.

"Don't worry, I can manage everything." I replied politely as I grabbed my things back.

"Yeah, you can manage everything. Yeah, excluding me."

"Excuse me!" I raised an eyebrow before darting to the hallway.

"I heard it when you let go of that moan." He teases me. "And the way you perfectly moved your lips to sync with mine."

"Jesus, Henry! It's just a moan. It's a normal reaction particularly when someone has her first kiss." I held my breath as I'm shocked with my revelation.

"I'm your first kiss?" He blinks his eyes for like four consecutive times, still grasping the truth that I've dropped.

"And to my dismay, yes you are! So please, let me go. I've still got so much to do, so kindly excuse myself." I sarcastically announced and I paced towards the exit.

"Can I be your last first kiss?" He shouted behind me earning a glance from the production team who are taking a dinner break.

I continued walking as though I didn't hear anything.

"Because Ms

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"Because Ms. Zarene, I want to be your last first kiss!"

I paced back to his direction in fury.

"Stop being stupid, Henry! If you're bored, please spare me!" I cussed under my breath.

"I'm just wondering if you've ever thought of me. I just want to be your man." He pours his heart to me.

"Stop being such a complicated freak, Henry! It's just a kiss. Refrain from taking your imagination to places. It's not like I'm marrying you." I pleaded to him.

He was about to steal an another kiss when I managed to turned my face away.

"Stop being a fool, for Christ's sake! I've already told you, loving someone is not for me. There's no way I'm gonna fall for you! Please, Henry! It's a mistake! You're too young to know about love and forever. If you still want us to remain as friends, kill that feeling." I begged Henry and I darted to the parking space with tears gleaming on my face.

I pressed the car lock and just threw myself to the driver's seat and cried my heart out to the steering wheel.

If he only knew how hard it was for me to turn him down. He's a nice boy, I will never deny that and despite the massive age gap, I'm convinced. I'm starting to fall for him too.

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