Five Knives

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Songs for the Chapter:
Terrified by Stevie Ertl
How Soon is Now by Love Spit Love

We were driven to a secluded area north of Tampa and got off at a big house near the lake. It almost looks like the lakes house from The Notebook. I was surprised to see about five kids roaming around the area with a smile on each face.

"Nice to see the both of you again." Mr. Shelley welcomes us with a hug.

"Welcome to the Tampa Shore. I hope you don't mind spending your Thanksgiving here." Mr. Shelley nudges us inside the massive house.

"Ah, Maria. Our visitors have arrived." A woman in her middle age show herself from the kitchen.

"Oh, there you are. I'm Maria Shelley. Nice to meet the two of you."

I reached for her hand and politely introduced myself. It's my first time to meet her but I can discern that she's a good person.

"Maria, you forgot to fully introduce yourself again." Mr. Shelley displayed a disappointed look on his face.

"She's the owner of my life, my wife, Maria Ann Austin-Shelley." He proudly announced and Mrs. Maria blushed to fullest extent. "She owns me for more than ten years now." Mr. Shelley postscriptly said.

"We spend our Thanksgiving here annually." Mrs. Maria declares. "It's not your usual environment but I hope you enjoy your stay here." She apologizes.

"No need for that Mrs. Maria. This is incredible. I've fond of kids since I was young besides I do things with kids on Christmas Eve. Having a shelter for the orphans is my ultimate dream." I tearfully told them.

"Hey!" A toddler pulled my hair before flashing me a crooked smile.

"Nice to meet you little buddy. How are you?" I gently talked to the kid while fixing the pink ribbon on her hair.

"Is he your boyfriend?" She audaciously asked me.

"No." I shook my head.


"A massive no. Why do you ask?"

"Great. We're friends from now on." The little kid reached for my hand and blushed a little.

"He's not your husband?" Mrs. Maria astoundingly asked. "I thought you're a couple. Oh, forgive me." She modestly apologizes and everyone cracked to a laughter.

"We're best friends since childhood. His grandfather and my father were best friends."

"Do you want mashed potatoes? I've helped Mommy Maria prepare this." The girl with pink ribbons asked Christian.

"Yeah, sure doll. Thank you very much." Christian then reached for the bowl before giving the little girl a kiss on her cheeks that made her flushed even more.

"Call me Sab." The little girl winked at Christian and everyone laughed again.

"Looks like you've got a huge admirer here." I playfully hit Christian's shoulder.

"I guess, I'll have to wait for her to grow up." My eyes grew wider again and I pinched his cheeks earning a glare from Sab. Christian noticed Sab's reaction and immediately picked her up and they headed to the front porch.

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