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Final rehearsal day for this week. Every crew member seems recollected but I know we just don't wants the tension to takeover us. The contenders are literally taking it, even more frantic, going off key and missing a dance routine as they rehearse for the group performance. I don't know what has gotten into Mr. Lathford that he insisted the contenders to perform Thumb Thumpin' by Chumbawamba and Mr. Lynch thinks it's ridiculously good. They dance routine was so good yesterday but it's a different story today. Mr. Lynch is already growing impatient and asked the contenders to have an hour break to release the stress.

"Looks like you guys also gotten the toll, huh?" I softly asked Lattrel.

"Unfortunately, yes. We underestimated everything. We thought perfecting our craft is already suffice and now the nerves are already invading our system. It's like having fifty butterflies in your stomach."

"It's not that easy. I know that. But here's a tip I can share. Picture this studio as your own bedroom where you can be yourself. Completely ignore the audience and focus on what you're doing. And last thing, have fun!

"Thank you very much, Ms. Zarene. Honestly, we wouldn't make it better without you. I'm still wishing that you'll be here tomorrow night."

"I am wishing for the same thing too but I need to settle things in Pembroke. Bloody F is the last thing that I don't want to see." I explained to Lattrel as I pinched Henry's nose.

"What's up, cry baby?"

"What do you say?"

"I saw you crying from the monitor and thinking it would make the final cut for the spin off show this Monday." I tease him.

"I just couldn't contain the pressure so I just cried and you would mercilessly put it up for the entire kingdom to see?" He snapped back.

"I'm just kidding. I'll never do that. You're just a little cute when you cry." I winked at him.

I headed back to the production room to make sure everything is fine before I leave for Pembroke tomorrow.

I grabbed my organizer, reviewing everything.

The hosts are rehearsing their spiels with Janey.

Laurie is checking the wardrobes and she even prepared a few sets of emergency wardrobes. She literally even has a truckload of cosmetics and hairsprays.

I paced down to check the ground staffs and delighted to see that everything is fine.

Everything is ready for the first live show tomorrow night, except for the contenders.

I could still hear Mr. Lynch's voice even from afar. He's growing impatient with the groups. They only have an hour left before the Boys takeover the studio for their rehearsal. And I know Mr. Lynch's presence is not helping them, he's a little obnoxious today.

Three more hours and it's a quarter after eight in the evening. I'm almost done for the day but I still have one more thing to do before I shut the day.

I hurriedly parked my car in front of the Marylebone flat and was greeted by Lattrel.

"I brought pizzas and baked macs!"

"Comfort foods!" He screams in happiness.

"Call the girls across the street, we'll be having a comforting session tonight." I instructed Andrew.

"And Lattrel, kindly help me unload the boxes from my car's backseat. We've got loads for tonight."

We started the comforting session when we've completely unloaded all the boxes.

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