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Zarene's POV

I feel like my mind would burst when I read the online articles. They put me under scrutiny, labelling me as a 'stork'. The comments are even meaner. I could easily put the blame on Henry but he was still a neophyte to all of these. We didn't do anything wrong yet the media has been slashing our friendship.

"Hello, Fr. José. I know it's a Saturday and I hope I don't disturb you but I desperately need your spiritual advice."

"I'm free until 5:00 in the afternoon, you can come over now and share the afternoon tea with me. We haven't done anything like that anymore since you worked for GBTV."

I grabbed my purse and drove to Kelross. My faith maybe strong but not strong enough to face something like this.

"I'm glad that you're finally here again our little lily. It's been ages, huh?" The parish priest welcomes me.

"Yes, Fr. José. I miss everything in this convent. It's a shame that I don't get to spend much time in here anymore." I reminisce of the memories created four months ago.

"Matthew 5:44. Our savior is telling you to pray for those who persecute you. It's not easy, but if you are with Him, he will lighten your load. He will never forsake you. Renew your strength from Him. And courage, dear heart."

"Thank you very much Fr. José. I am fortunate to have you as my spiritual father. This means so much to me."

I am fortunate to have this kind of people in my circle. People who wouldn't judge me, but instead lift me higher when I'm falling down.

It's been a pleasant evening so far. My soul is renewed in faith. I've told my colleagues not to put any buzz to my radar. It's my way of 'dodging' the negativity. I am no Ms. Dodger for nothing.

I'm almost falling asleep when my phone rang and it's nearly 12:00 midnight.

"Hello, Lattrel! What's up?"

"Um, Ms. Zarene. I'm sorry to bother you, but we desperately need your help right now."

"Alright, tell me so I can give you instructions while I drive to get there."

"It's because of Henry. Andrew slipped a few alcohol drinks in the flat and Henry had his ample shots and is now uncontrollable, smashing things and keep punching himself. He is already wrecking havoc."

I tried to stay calm before I gave instructions to Lattrel. Just when I fixed something; another one will come out.

And when I arrived at the Marylebone apartment, everything is a mess. Broken bottles and glasses are scattered from the third floor up to the front yard, a smashed guitar, messy beddings and Henry's bleeding knuckles to top the chaos.

"Henry! What do you think you're doing? You can't just trash this place and spread fear!" I tried to stay calm but I'm almost shaking in vexation.

"What I'm doing is discharging myself for allegedly fucking Mr. Lynch's assistant. But no matter what I do, the guilt is still lingering in my brain, in my body and in my heart. I'm a fucking cunt for dragging you into this. I'm a stupid arse, don't you know that Ms. Zarene? And I'm fuckin sorry because you became a victim of this stupidity."

"Henry, I told you. It's nobody's fault. No one wished this to happen. Please give me that bottle."

I cringed when he threw the bottle against the backyard's wall.

"Henry, please. I'm asking you for the second time to please stop it. I'm not mad, okay? I am not mad."

Henry knelt in front of me and continued weeping like a child.

I sit on my knees to face him and realized how much the controversy has taken him.

"They don't know how scared I am to lose the friendship we have. I'm fucking scared! I'm fucking scared that you would get mad at me and would never want to be with me again. Because I can't go on without you! I'm trying to suppress this feeling but Ms. Zarene, forgive me but I can't help but fall for you. I love you and it hurts me so much to see you in pain because of me. I love you, don't you know that?"

I was shocked by his confession but he's still drunk and not in a proper state of mind.

I asked for Lattrel's help because Henry passed out after his confession. I wanted to stay but I know it will just aggravate the controversy if I'm seen anywhere near this flat.

I drove back to Highbury and tried to process what Henry has said. I'd like to believe that it's real but he's drunk. It will be gone when he wakes up.

Ironic but my heart is juddering. It's not the first time that someone professed his love for me but with Henry, it's different.

I dodged the thoughts upon clicking my front door open. He's drunk and is just hallucinating. I've got better things to do than be occupied with things that's not written in my life's blueprint.

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