Formation House

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Henry's POV

And we're called All Caps and to celebrate Ms. Zarene treated us to tons of Peri Peri Chickens. She is happily watching us as we fulfill our gastronomical desires.

We are also gathered here in the flat to watch the pilot episode of the talent show that we're in. They're going to air the audition footages first to introduce us better to the public.

Andrew's audition was aired and we threw banters to him because he went for a ballad version of Rihanna's Only Girl in the world, although he changed it to Only Boy in the World.

The audition videos only took thirty minutes to air and I noticed Ms. Zarene seemed so preoccupied.

"Aren't you going to drop that iPad for at least a minute and have fun with us?" I stuffed a chicken wing to her mouth the moment she opened it.

She ran after me to seek her revenge. I'm taller and could run faster but I was wrong. She was clever enough to sprint on the couch to catch me and land on my back.

I piggybacked her and I ran around the Marylebone flat's living room with her still on my back laughing like a child. And for a minute, Ms. Laurie and Mr. Shane were doing the same. We were running out of air when we stopped.

She was still laughing and I wish I could stare at her like this forever.

"Oh! Mr. Joey McIntyre has already confirmed his cameo appearance and will be sending his footage tomorrow!He just needs two tickets as a bribe!" She proudly announced her achievement.

And speaking of tickets, I hope you guys have already coordinated with your respective families. Three live show tickets for each contender."
Mr. Shane reminded us.

"Oh, crap! My mom couldn't come. I wish, Hobsonville wasn't that far from London." Andrew complains.

"My mum and sister are coming!" I cheerfully announced.

"And I can't wait to introduce you to my family." I winked to Ms. Zarene as I held her hand firmly.

"I'm gutted that I couldn't be there during the first live show." She said withdrawing her hand from my grip.

Everyone in the living room was shocked.

"Okay, I'm sorry if I can't make it. I'm going to Pembroke on Saturday. I need to fix my priorities." She defended herself.

I gathered my stuff and locked myself in the bedroom. She's so unfair. She was mentoring and helping us get better and she won't be there during the first live show. Lame joke.

I grabbed my diary. I need to free myself from this annoyance. But the notebook I'm holding is not mine. I must have coincidentally grabbed Ms. Zarene's organiser.

I rushed downstairs to switch our notes but the living room is now empty.

"You decided to spoil the night, so everyone left prematurely." Lattrel answered my question as he unloads the dishes from the washer.

I headed back upstairs and took a peek at Ms. Zarene's organiser when a piece of paper fell from the organiser.

Missionary Servants of the Word
Mexico City

Formation House Application Form


I almost dropped the paper when reality hit me. She desires to enter a convent in Mexico. Flashbacks are hitting my consciousness. She's pure. She's always calm. She doesn't consider marriage. She serves as a lector twice daily. I'm so stupid for not deciphering the hints. I could feel my hands getting numb. I've never been this crazy to anyone before but she wants to be a nun. Cold tears are now slipping on my face wetting her application form. I didn't hurt anyone so bad before for me to get this kind of karma. I can't compete with Him.

The door swung open and revealed Andrew and Lattrel. I pretended I was sleeping to dodge any questions. I want to keep this to myself.

"Looks like our little boy is really annoyed." Andrew teases me above my comforter.

"No, he's just disappointed. I'm kind of disappointed too, but we can't do anything if she decided to fix something in Pembroke. She has already done so much for us." Lattrel voicing his thoughts.

"But it's her job. She gets paid for mentoring us." Andrew blurts without any warning.

"I'm disappointed that it came from you. She works with compassion and that's not even included in her scope of work, I guess. Don't you realize how much she cares for us? The night when Henry got lost? She could've just paid someone to look for Henry but instead, she drove around London to look for him. And just tonight, she treated us a good dinner for finally naming our group. You're insane if your mind hasn't comprehended them yet." Lattrel snaps.

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