Faith Against Fate

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Song for the chapter:
Tadhana by Up Dharma Down

Zarene's POV

I made the sign of the cross as we stepped out of the Heathrow Airport with Christian complaining of my luggages and boxes. I sneered at him when he dropped my pink luggage, for Christ's sake, that luggage has those Jack Wills apparels. I needed to travel for eight hours to and fro yesterday just to get those for Henry and I got really exhausted that I almost got late for the eleven in the morning flight to Heathrow.

Mr. Lynch insisted to book us in a hotel near the airport but I declined it because all I want is to lay down my exhausted body to my white fluffy bed sheet. I just hailed a taxi to Highbury. Arriving at four and a half in the morning, I got scared as I stood in front of my lighted house. I quickly unlocked the door to see bottles of booze scattered on my living room's floor, competing for the space are Henry's clothes and worn out pink trainers.

I yelled for his name but I got no response. I went to the kitchen, to the laundry room and to the backyard but he's still nowhere to be found. I went upstairs and found Henry lying helplessly in my study room's couch. I almost cried at the state he was in. I didn't know that he could actually end up getting wasted.

I tried to wake him up and by shaking his shoulder but got no response. I pulled his arms to sit him up which I successfully managed. I poked his dimples and opened his eye but he still remained non-responsive.

I bent down and laced his arms around my neck and at the count of four, I lifted him up. How could he be so heavy? I'm almost running out of strength from a nine-hour flight. I winced from his weight but managed to drag him to the guest room. I'm still fortunate that he left the door slightly opened. I held my breath for several times just to bear his weight but nearly dropped him when his arm hang loose and his palm perfectly landed on my right butt cheek. l almost dropped him at the sudden skin contact so I quickly reached for the bed and dumped him there.

He uttered a deep moan before uttering my name. "I need you here Zarene."

He reached for my face and uttered the most venomous phrase again before attacking my lips with his burning lust.

I tasted the alcoholic drink that he consumed on my own lips but it didn't not stop there. I felt him peck my neck gently before finally succumbing himself to the spirit of alcohol.

"How could you be so naive?" I asked him in his sleep. I whined a little more before searching his bag for clean clothes. With eyes closed, I carefully undress him but I hissed frustratingly upon learning that his skin is soaked in sweat. And with eyes still closed, I rubbed his face with face towel, down to his neck and torso, skipping his loin during the process and advancing to his thighs. I did the same this time sponging him alternately with wet and dry towel. I managed to dress him successfully and covered him with a blanket before turning on the A/C. I was about to leave when his defenseless state captured me. I sat beside the bed and devoured my eyes with his attractiveness. His brown curly hair that's been dangling to his forehead, his green eyes under his double lids. His prominent jawline. His pink and plump lips. His mole at the bottom of his dimple. Before I knew it, I was already tracing his chiseled jawline, admiring each edge before planting a soft kiss on his lips.

 Before I knew it, I was already tracing his chiseled jawline, admiring each edge before planting a soft kiss on his lips

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