Two Tickets

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"How was your meeting with Mr. Lynch?" I curiously asked my sister.

"It went well!" She answered frugally as she stuffed her mouth with tripe stew.

"But honestly, how did you get to know this place? It's like we're home. The food and the ambiance."

"Henry. He once brought me here." I answered while I helped myself with a spoonful of rice.

"And you just said that you were just having breakfast when in fact, you've already been here with him? Ah, poor boy."

I almost spit out the rice off my mouth by her outburst.

"Why is it suddenly like my fault that he is heartsick? We're not an item." I barked at her.

"Why can't we just bond over the deliciousness of these food instead of talking something that is nonexistent?"

"Okay. I'm sorry. Let's just enjoy the food. I wonder if I can bring Jeremy here. Haven't seen him since last week." Sadness can be traced on her face.

"That's a nice idea. But it will be better if you have your dinner here because there's a cotton candy cart at the park nearby and they just sell the spun sugar from seven to ten in the evening."

"Thanks for the tip, my dear sister. I miss having cotton candies. It reminds me so much of our late dad."

"I agree. They also sell balloons."

"How did you know all about that park?"

"Henry. He brought me there and bought me three pieces of cotton candy and two pink balloons."

"I thought you don't want to talk about him but why everything is beginning to link him? I want to believe that Marylebone is like a home to you and Highbury is just an ordinary place."

"No, not like that. It's just that I spend most of my time in this part of London than in Highbury. And it happens that Henry likes to walk around the place so he discovers more and he shares it to me."

"Ah, so it means when he discovers a cheap inn here, he'll most likely share it to you?"

"Shut up!"

She just laughed and continued eating lunch. I'm grateful that she didn't ask anything about Henry. I don't want to think about him right now because all I want to do is take a power nap. With only three hours of sleep, my system is already beginning to lose its energy.  I let Mabel drove my car because I'm really drowsy. She woke me up when we arrive at the Fontana Studio. I headed to the dressing room and quickly brushed my teeth and retouched my makeup. I started working on my laptop as I filter the questions for All Caps.

It's a quarter before two and the contenders start to crowd the studio. Mr. Lynch instructed me to come closer to the stage. The contenders are having a stage rehearsal so we would know how they would sound live on national television. And to Mr. Lynch's delight, the groups sounded better with just a few touch ups.

They were dismissed after three hours and were drove back to Marylebone. I collected my things and went on my way to Kerr. Rush hour has caught me and it almost took me two hours to reach Kerr.

I was about to park my car when a motorcycle appeared from behind me and occupied the space. I wanted to yell at the person but I wouldn't waste any of my precious time as I still have to review my report so I just find another space. I found one just a few meters away from the building. I rolled my windows down and started reviewing my reports. The chill in the air started to seep into my skin but I didn't mind. I  headed to the third floor to have my report printed at the library. I'm fortunate that this university has a library where you can have your soft copies printed. I thanked the old lady and climbed to the fifth floor for my class.

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