The Visitation

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I could still remember how I shivered under Henry's touch last night. I struggled hard to conceal the hickeys that he left on each side of my neck. I don't want to arise any suspicion, not in this place.

"Zarene, are you alright? You seem a little bothered." Fr. José distracted me from my thoughts. And my pretension for today started in that very instant.

I don't want to lie but I don't want to complicate things either.

I could've called the police last night and have him arrested for sexually assaulting me. But I didn't. He's young, too young to know about everything. I guess, I'll just let him do whatever he desires. He's immature. I'll wait until he outgrows it. Teens of this generation can't stick to something. He'll soon find his next flavor of the month.

I preempted my thoughts upon setting my foot in this old convent. I feel strange for a while, I haven't set my foot in this convent for the last four months but my intention is still lingering.

"Is that you, Zarene?" A voice behind me poked me out of my thoughts.

"Oh, my lady. It's nice to you see back here!" She exclaimed putting her pitcher down.

"It's been a while since you last visited. Let's go inside and have a cup of tea as what we used to do. I've got your favourite strawberry pie." Sister Elizabeth, the head of this convent nudges me to the terrace.

"You owe me stories, my lady. Stories about Henry to be specific!" She then winked an eye as my mouth fell agape.

"How did you know about Henry?" I asked in curiosity.

"Remember Markus? He started attending the preschool and one Monday afternoon, he went home with a broadsheet with your face printed across the entertainment page. He said that you were getting married because someone hugged you. I just let him believe his thoughts rather than confuse him with the false media claims. I am not in the position to explain anything but I'm pleased that you didn't say anything about the issue as it would unfavorably affect your probationary membership."

"Mommy Zarene? Mommy Zarene!" Markus ejected me from my conversation with Sister Elizabeth

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"Mommy Zarene? Mommy Zarene!" Markus ejected me from my conversation with Sister Elizabeth.

"Yes, my dear. Oh I miss you so much!" I went to my knees to hug the tiny tot.

"Mommy, where's daddy?" He asked while looking left and right behind me.

"Hmmm, Markus. Mommy is not getting married. Henry is my best friend and people thought that I'm getting married to him. But I am really not." I conservatively picked my words for him.

"Mommy Zarene is going to Mexico to be like Sister Elizabeth. Someone who serves the Lord and the community."

"I thought I'm already getting a daddy for myself. My classmates have daddies and mommies picking them up after class, while I just walk under that apple tree then I'm home." Tears are already forming in his eyes.

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