The Desolation

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Zarene's POV

It's almost midnight but Henry's confession is still lingering in my memory. I see him as a little brother just like Aleks but I can't deny the fact that his sweet gestures are tickling me to pink.

I've got men asking me for dates but I turned them down. I've got better plans than be seen outdoors with someone who I barely know.

I dialed my sister's number and she picked up at the second ring.

"Hey, boo! What's up?" She asked me in a jovial voice.

"Nothing new since I'm back to my, your-so-called 'boring life'." I pretended to sound annoyed.

"It's not a boring life, boo! It's now a very boring life, just to update you!" She scowled at me.

"That's so mean! I've got to work with the nicest people in the music industry, so it's not boring." I defended myself.

"So, what's really up your sleeve? You wouldn't be calling me this late for nothing. Any problem?" Her voice starts to sound serious.

"No, it's not serious." I adjusted my tone as well.

"It's just that, Henry. He--."

"Like, Jesus! Let me guess, a. he kissed you, b. he fucked you or c. he hugged you. Or you can just enumerate everything for me." She never failed to stay serious in a serious conversation.

"If you'd just let me finish, then you wouldn't be rotting with the answer." I howled at her.

"I'm not saying anything. Lips are sealed, spill Henry's balls ah ah beans, rather."

I rolled my eyes before answering her.

"Henry. He told me that he loves me."

Silence was scattered for about twenty seconds.

"Hello, are you still there?" I checked on my service too.

"You interrupted me at this hour for that?" I could picture how my sister raises her eyebrow in disappointment.

"Mabel, please. This is something." I plead to her.

"Call me again when he already took your innocence!"

"Mabel, please!"

"Alright, he said he loves you and now what? Don't tell me he's making you shift your gears?"

"That will never happen! No one can interfere with my plans not even him! B-ut. I don't know. I've been into this situation before, but this time it's different, he's different." I finally got the courage to open up.

"I'm beginning to believe that you're really missing something when you don't go on dates. Singlehood can make you dumb too." She scolds me better than our mother, huh.

"Excuse myself." I beg to disagree.

"If it's bothering you. Give it a shot. Go out with him, let him show you the world." Her advice confused me even more.

"Then what? Leave him just when everything seems so right? You know I can't do that. I just can't make him fall in the autumn and leave him before the spring starts. But I'm feeling something different. I've never had this feeling before. I would die a little whenever his green orbs would meet mine. I'm trembling of a little body contact. I could swoon of every grin he flashes. I could fly when his fingers would strum the guitar. I tried to resist it, but my system would easily surrender."

"Ayie! My sister is falling in love! I know that feeling." I could sense my sister is jumping.

"Love? That ain't love I suppose. Love is beyond what Shakespeare had define. Love is-"

"Shut up, boo! Love starts with those things only to be complicated by respect and trust." My sister interjects.

"I called you because Henry's  confession is keeping me up, I didn't call you for those love lectures." I'm beginning to feel annoyed this time.

"But you know what? I can discern that he's a good person, that he truly cares for you. Give him a chance. Enjoy what you have and don't stop for anyone even before a camera flashing to darken your life." She suddenly turned serious and to my surprise, I am somewhat convinced.

One more minute and I hang up.

I'm still confused. I have my future being planned for almost five years and having a boyfriend is never a part of it. I'm scared because I know, I'll just hurt him and I can't do it to someone who has a fragile heart.

I hate Henry. I'm living my life according to my future plans, then he'd just walk in to desolate everything. I'm frightened that the walls I built are not that firm yet. I'm scared of falling in love.

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