Baby Honey

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Tuesday morning.

We are not scheduled for Fontana Studios not until two in the afternoon.

"Looks like it's not a good morning for you." Isabel interrupting me from my morning tea.

"Ah, a bit. I didn't get enough sleep." I answered sipping my tea.

She's Isabel, a member of the girl group La Vida. The girl groups are occupying the flat next to ours. I won't deny that she's beautiful and lovely but won't come close next to Ms. Zarene.

"Would you mind if I invite you for a walk? I noticed there's a park nearby." She asks with her face turning tomato red.

"I'm free after this so no worries." I answered in agreement.

Ten more minutes and we are already hitting the streets of Marylebone.

"You know what? Marylebone reminds me so much of my hometown. The traffic lights, the stores, the trees." She narrates with a smile.

"Well, Marylebone is an exact opposite of my place. Crewe is very much laid back with a handful of pub houses and bakery. What I miss about Crewe is the strawberry cake from Gerry's Bakery. I'm getting one for Ms. Zarene when my mum arrives this weekend."

"You really care for Ms. Zarene, huh? She asked with traces of jealousy in her voice.

"She's one of a kind. Someone you want to have and hold until the end."

"So, you are already courting her?"

"No. I may have professed my feelings towards her but no. I'm not courting her yet."

Someone blew the car's horn and I saw Ms. Zarene driving past us.

"Her presence is shaking your world. I wonder if you could see me that way. Ah, forget it!" Isabel exclaimed.

"You're beautiful and kind, it's not impossible if I fall for you one day." I uttered to Isabel, giving her a hint of hope.

I mean it. It's not that I am going to use her to deprive my feelings for Ms. Zarene but I know somehow she can help me. Maybe if I spend more time with her, I'm gonna forget my feelings for Ms. Zarene.

Ten more minutes and we're back at the flat. Ms. Zarene is sitting comfortably at the backyard, the place where I first confessed my feelings for her.

"You must be looking for this." I handed her the organiser.

"And you must be looking for this too." She smiled while we exchange our journals.

"Don't worry, I didn't read anything." She winked at me.

"Dear Diary . . ."

And my eyes grew in terror.

"As I've said, I didn't read anything. I shut your black journal the moment I realized it's a diary. I was thinking it was just a doodle book." She acquitted herself before handing me a guitar bag.

"You smashed your guitar, so here's a new one. I just hope this one won't be sharing the same fate when you get drunk again."

"You're not my 'baby honey' for nothing, huh?"

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"You're not my 'baby honey' for nothing, huh?"

"Baby honey?"

"Sweet pea is kind of overused so I thought for something unique to label you."

"And do you think baby honey is the best?"

"Yeah, my heart thinks."

"Well, stab your heart now because baby honey is ineffectual. Like me, a baby? You could've just called me oldie honey."

In the cold London street
My heart began to feel warm
In a black dress
And celebrity red lips
My baby honey
Is driving me crazy

My young heart
Sees forever in God's work of art
My baby honey
Leaving my heart in reverie

I sincerely sang the first song I ever played on the guitar that she gave to me.

"I don't know what to say! No one has ever written a song for me!" She exclaimed as she wipes the tears that are slowly forming in her eyes.

"In all honesty, that's the second song I've written for you. The first one is called Peruvian Lily. I wrote that song on your porch."

Guilt is written on her face as she looked at the ground.

"I'm sorry, Henry. I don't deserve any of these. I'm sad that I can't give and take your feelings mutually." She apologizes as she begins to pick up her things.

"No, you don't have to recompense anything. Just let me love you and I'll be fine. Put those worries to rest." I assure her.

"But Henry, it's not fair for you." She protests.

"One more word and I'll kiss you." I dared her.

"I don't want to waste your time. You're too young to know the concept of love."

I cut the gap between us and met her lips with mine. I cupped her face as I deepen the kiss. She struggled to detangle herself from the kiss but I held her waist closer until she kissed me back and let out a soft moan.

"Oh, God! This isn't right! This isn't right!" She blurt out the moment she broke the kiss

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"Oh, God! This isn't right! This isn't right!" She blurt out the moment she broke the kiss.

It's been five minutes after she left but I'm still standing on the same ground where I kiss her. I felt a little hope when she kissed me back and moaned during the kiss.

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