The First Love Song

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I was awaken by the sound of my alarm. I wonder if she's already awake but I haven't heard any signs of her not until I headed downstairs.

"I'm sorry if I have to leave early but don't worry, I've prepared a breakfast for you. I don't know what kind of breakfast you prefer so I basically prepared toasts and blueberry pancakes. There's a bottle of fresh milk and chocolate drink inside the fridge. Just help yourself again.

P. S.

Shane will be picking you up at 7:00 so be ready by then. He will give you the timetable for the day.

"I wonder what's her day like that she needs to leave the house even before the clock ticks at five.", my mind begins to wander as I stick the fork on the flapjacks.

I've never had pancakes for breakfast because I was strictly raised in a cereal diet and I think it's time to shift gears.

It's a quarter before six so I decided to chill on her porch first and watch the sun rise. I noticed that her flowers are coming back to life. I thought that we lose flowers during autumn but it seems like her flowers defy to go against the season.

She's like the lilies when the leaves start to fallAbandoning the leaves to the ground as she stands tallI can hear the season's callAnd my heart stars to fall

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She's like the lilies when the leaves start to fall
Abandoning the leaves to the ground as she stands tall
I can hear the season's call
And my heart stars to fall

My phone buzzes and it's Mr. Shane telling me that he'll be here in twenty minutes.

I grabbed my things and posted a note for Ms. Zarene. She's such a sweet, hardworking young soul.

Mr. Shane arrived a little early and he instantly handed me the timetable.

"I'm off-loading you at the Marylebone. Just make sure to be ready by one in the afternoon. Jessie, the shuttle bus driver will be taking you to the Fontana Studios. Just refer to your timetable." Mr. Shane instructs me.

"Where is Ms. Zarene?", stuttering as I speak of her name for the first time.

"I completely don't have an idea today. She just called me last night asking if I could fetch you and bring you to the flat. Maybe she's still at the Arc's reviewing her readings for tomorrow."

I desired to ask about the Arc's but we were already entering the gates of a posh flat.

I desired to ask about the Arc's but we were already entering the gates of a posh flat

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I saw Lattrel standing by the porch with his guitar.

"Oh, boy! We thought you already got scared and hid under your mum's camisole!"

I'm not pissed off but I'm excited to see him again. Then there's Andrew pacing down the stairs.

"So, how's a night sleeping on Ms. Zarene's bed?" He teases as he smacks my arse and winks at me.

"No, I slept in her guest room and she left early. So no, no such things as that."

"I'm just kidding. I'm just a little excited to see you again." Just forget it and let's unpack your things. We've got a long afternoon ahead of us." Andrew says pulling an effort to push my trolley bag.

The flat is quite nice with brown and light yellow walls. There's an island counter on the left and a huge dining table at the adjacent space. The sitting room has four big couches and a big plasma telly.

I'm greeted by the other teenage hopefuls roaming around. Probably, there are at least 16 hopefuls staying in this flat.

We headed upstairs and Lattrel nudged me to the third room on the left.

"This will be our room for the next three weeks. I reserved the spot by the window for you." Lattrel boasts.

"This may not be as soft as Ms. Zarene's bed but don't worry, it can't get any harder than your dick."

"Just ignore him. That's what he got for not eating kiwi for a couple of months.", Lattrel apologizes.

These two are crazy but I'm sure, I can get along with them. I'm starting to miss my mates back home.

"Hey buds, just call us downstairs if homesickness appears on that window.", Andrew teases.

I just nod before closing the door. This is it! I'm here to chase my dream and I'm not letting anyone to ruin it.

I flip the pages of the timetable that Shane has handed me and I felt like a deer in front of a headlight. We need to prepare at least four songs and a solo dance routine by Friday. As far as I could remember, I auditioned to be a singer and not a dancer. But then I realised, producers prefer a total performer over a stickman with a good vocal range.

I start unpacking my things while my mind drifts to a massive job of song haunting. I need to sing a song for at least four genres to prove my talent. It's almost eleven in the morning and I'm already struggling the day.

And after an hour, I finally came up with my set of songs.

1. The Actor by Michael Learns to Rock - for a ballad

2. All I Have to Give by the Backstreet Boys - for pop/ boy band genre

3. Closer by Ne-Yo for the rhythm and blues; and

4. Life After You by Daughtry for the rockier hype.

Sounds good to seal the needed yeses. But, "what am I going to dance up to?" Dancing is not my thing. I'd rather knit with my aunt than stretch my arms and legs to Michael Jackson's Thriller.

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