Ever Since New York

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Songs for the chapter:
Fallin' by Ant and Dec
Love Like This by Faith Evans
Didn't Know I was Looking for Love by EBTG

"This week's theme is Party. Any song in mind?" I don't intend to sound sweet but it turns somewhat like that.

"Whoah! Another week! How many weeks we have since we started?" He asked me as he locks the door beside him.

"We're on Week 4 now." I answered thriftily.

"Any suggestions, love?" He asked me again.

"You really have the guts to ask me that question?" I scoffed at him.

"Oh, I'm sorry love. You're confined to the comfort of your home every night."

I roll my eyes and just drive towards the exit of this old convent. The entire trip to Marylebone isn't dreary anymore with Henry who keeps on making me laugh. And as per usual, we dropped by at Teacups to buy our favorite breakfast. We're thankful that there are no groups of girls who always closely follow Henry.

"I'll just drop you at the flat Henry. I've got things to finish at the office. Since we'll be aired overseas, Mr. Lynch asked for major changes in the production. You know, hire additional crew members, more high end visual effects."

He frowns for a bit but his face immediately light up when he realizes something.

"Then why you sent me in here? You could've just dropped me halfway so you could prioritise your work."

Dear God. He caught me again. I hacked a little and thought for a believable excuse.

"I'm scared you'll get lost again. I don't want to be driving around London looking for a lost kid."

"Really? A kid? I'm not a kid and I'm not going to get lost again. I've been here for a month now." He rejects my made up reason.

I wish I could tell him that I just really want to be with him. He did it on my bed and I was mad but his honesty washed away all his mistakes. I was mad but now I'm wondering how he did it. I unconsciously let out a soft giggle that caught his attention.

"Anything funny love?" His voice thrusted me to reality.

"Nothing." I almost stammered pronouncing that single word.

I wish I could convince him but the redness of my face is denying me, fortunately we have already reached the flat. I put the car into a halt and unlocked Henry's side of the door.

"I'm sorry if I can't go inside with you."

"Don't worry love. I got you on this. Thanks for the ride and I'm sorry for debasing your femininity."

That's all he said before locking the door and after getting his box from the backseat. He didn't kiss me goodbye.

I immediately rolled the windows down and shouted his name. He paid a brief look pointing himself.

I gestured him that his hat is asymmetrically worn. He just fixed it and gave me a thumbs up. This boy is sending me straight down to hell.

I'm already out of my sanity when the meeting concluded after three hours of massive brainstorming. Mr. Lynch wanted to showcase the UK's tourist spots as we will move from one venue to another on a weekly basis and he's just given me three days to complete the report including the estimated budget. I don't even know how and where to start. Plus the pressure of missing the uni for an entire week.

I checked my phone and saw five missed calls from Henry, ten from my sister and a ton of text messages from the contenders. But what made me blush was a text message from Henry.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2018 ⏰

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