First impressions are everything, Darling.

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Sitting on the windowsill, I peered through the rain speckled glass to observe people rushing along the side walk or into their cars to make a fast get away from the darkening clouds and the cold downpour that followed them

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Sitting on the windowsill, I peered through the rain speckled glass to observe people rushing along the side walk or into their cars to make a fast get away from the darkening clouds and the cold downpour that followed them. Smiling, I used the condensation on the window to draw a small smiley face.

"You know, you could seem a little disappointed at the fact it's been raining." A voice chirped from across the room.

I rolled my eyes to see my long standing friend and coworker Ella carrying over two hot chocolates in glass cups topped with marshmallows. Her red hair was pinned back on her head in a bun letting only a few tendril strands fall onto her neck. Her cream coloured skin gave a fantastic contrast to her hair, and she only extinguished it further by teaming it with a green sweater.

I accepted the mug gratefully and tucked up my feet a little more so that she could sit down too. Blowing across the brim of the mug, I took a gentle sip before taking it away from my mouth.

"So, what has you all chipper at the downpour?" Ella asked clasping the mug between her hands.

"It was Candice Gardener's wedding today... All outdoors."

She gasped, as her emerald eyes widened at the news "No.Way."

I nodded my head "Yeah, she's gushed on about it for months online, about how they were having everything outdoors, ceremony, catering, first dance..." I trailed off.

"Oh wow. I feel bad but you know what? It couldn't happen to a nicer person." Ella replied making me nod.


"She was a mean bitch anyway, hopefully whoever she's marrying is buying a muzzle too." She sighed pulling out her phone before she began tapping away rapidly.

I smiled at my friend and turned my attention back to the window, although her comment seemed harsh, anyone who met Candice would simply agree that sometimes she needed her mouth shut. Maybe even wired.

My happy mood took a dip when the silver scars across my wrist became visible. Uncomfortable, I pulled my jumper down further trying to suppress the memories that boiled up within my veins.

They were a part of my life that I would rather forget about.. Completely forget about.

"Mina!" Ella snapped bringing me back into the room hard.

"W-what?" I asked blinking back the memories. Her face was full of concern but she pushed it away and looked back at her phone.

"I just wanted to know what you thought about me and Ash?"

It was my turn to analyse her face as she looked up at me waiting for a response. Ash was a player, there was no questioning it, he had a string of women and had more notches in his belt that I could count. But Ella loved him, his persistent calling into the coffee shop where we worked and his smooth talking earned him a place in her heart, one that was too big for her own good.

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