In times of fear

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A loud noise sounded close by causing me to jolt my head slightly as I woke up. I tried to open my eyes but the room was a hundred times too bright for me and I simply led there with my eyes closed.

I could hear some faint beeping under the hushed voices and harsh whispers. I smelt him before I could hear or see him, the cologne snuck up under my nose relaxing me again.

"I'm going to fucking kill them." Zak's voice growled stunning me into staying still as he sounded cold. "I want those bastards on security to know they are on my shit list too!"

I wanted to smile. Even in my dreams he sounded and smelt so real. If opening my eyes meant I lose these precious but weird moments of my dream with him. Then I'm keeping them screwed shut.

"Sir. We understand your upset about your home–"

"My home?! I couldn't give a shit about the house! Have you seen the state of her?!"

The house.. The house? What's wrong with the house?

"– the list of items missing?"

"I haven't got time for it." Zak bit.

I felt sorry for whoever he was speaking too, maybe lockdown went bad? This.. It's all just a dream so it could be anything.

The feeling of water washed over me, oh.. Now I remember. The pool.

The moon.. Gracie?

The dark figures.

I could feel my heart rate picking up. Oh no! No!! The figures! Gracie! They've taken her! They've taken his dog! No! I pulled my eyes apart to the hospital room, two officers and Zak.

"Mina? Mina sweetie-"

"Gracie?! Where is she?"

"Hey jus–"

"Where?!" I shouted at him swinging my legs off the bed but before I could get up, his hands pushed me back down.

"She's safe!" He ensured holding me to the bed as I struggled.

My movements stopped. "Safe?"

"Yes sweetheart. She's with my mom." He explained, moving his hands from my arms to brush the side of my face with his knuckles.

"Safe.. She's safe." I repeated the words letting them roll over my tongue. I gasped "Zak, your laptop!"

"I've got it. I- well you had it under you."

My eyes shot to the two officers in the corner "I- wait... This is a dream isn't it?" I frowned.

"No. You're awake."

"You're home. You're in Colorado-"

"I flew.. I- can you both give us a minute here?" Zak asked the two officers who nodded and slipped out the room.

I looked back at Zak, taking in the pair of cargo pants he had on, they looked baggy on his legs, but the long sleeve top fitted him like a second skin that I was positively jealous of, then his glasses and beanie, that covered his hair.  My eyes then went towards the water jug. Without even looking at me, he made me up a small glass and handed it to me.

"Does my breath smell that bad?" I asked feeling paranoid.

"Of course it doesn't." He frowned "Your voice is rasping. That's all."

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