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So... My reason for the one shots idea, was because I had all intentions of stopping the fanfics.

I know you all love reading them and it shows in the comments, likes and views. But it felt like I was just saying the same things over and over. Writer problems.

But as I tried to write a fiction, one I've been waiting to write, I had a thought

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But as I tried to write a fiction, one I've been waiting to write, I had a thought..

What if I do one more? (Like I haven't said that before right? 😅)

Then before I knew it, I had my brain running overtime. Fan-fictions are my go to, Zak is my go to.

Because who doesn't want to see more of this?

Because who doesn't want to see more of this?

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Am I right?

Anyway, this is just to let you know, those who've been waiting patiently (I thank you all.)

That in a weeks time, a new story will be hitting my page.

Love a little drunk uncle wedding dancing

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Love a little drunk uncle wedding dancing. 😂

There will be a prologue to this next story, posted on the end of this one. (That makes sense right?)

So I end as I begin. (That was probably even worse.)

So get ready

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So get ready.. Mina & Zak are coming back. (That rhymed!)

 (That rhymed!)

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Moving on... There's one more chapter after this one.

But in the mean time.. Here's an inappropriate gif (because I'm immature)

 Here's an inappropriate gif (because I'm immature)

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Over & out! 😘

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