The other story

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That's all I could smell as my head was pressed on the top of Mina's. Her body was against mine as I rocked back and forth slowly. I knew she had fallen asleep a while ago, stopping the sobs that pulled her chest every so often. Now she was quiet, her head against my shoulder, her breath fanning my throat and her fingers holding the rosary around my neck gently.

Feeling my phone buzzing, I slipped it out of my pocket and swiped across to answer Aaron's call.

"Zak? Where are you? We gotta set up."

"I'll be there when I can."

"Dude there is loads to do. Just get here now–"

"Just get Dakota on cameras, I trust his judgement. You know how to set up along with Billy and Jay."

He scoffed "Well I know that–"

"Then why are we having this conversation. I'll be there when I can." I whispered harshly before hanging up.

Mina stirred in my arms and whimpered softy. I hushed her gently and rubbed small circles into the base of her spine letting her fall back to sleep.

The door opened beside us, as Mina's mom walked in holding a coffee. "Are you sure you didn't want a drink?" She asked taking a seat beside us.

"No, I'm good thank you."

She gave a soft smile and looked at Mina with concern.  "Hey, he'll be okay." I spoke giving her mom's arm a gentle squeeze.

"I hope so.. It doesn't bare thinking about what she would do without him." Her mom answered turning to look at the window.

"I don't know what I would do without Gracie." I answered honestly.

"Dogs... They're only here part of our lives, but to them, we are there whole lives." Her mom responded making me nod.

"Gosh.. She begged for a dog. Every Christmas from the age of three. Every list, the top one.. Dog. We held off for so long until..." Her mom paused looking down at Mina's wrist.

"Until him." I answered soothing my thumb over her scar.

"She told you?"

"Yeah. She told me everything."

Her mom's jaw tightened "I wish I'd warned her about boys like him. I just- I didn't want her to resent me, when she fell, she fell hard... He took the wind out of her sails and made her a ghost of herself."

She looked back at me, blinking rapidly to clear her tears. "She didn't mean what she said earlier, about it being your fault."

I looked away "I know..."

"She just gets so upset that she tries to deflect her hurt onto other people. Her defence mechanism to stop it from turning in again. I'm just sorry you bared the brunt of it."

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