Il mio amore - My Love

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A year later..

Unlocking the front door, I look down at Bailey who's tail had been wagging furiously since getting out the car. It was his play week with Gracie and it was safe to say my dog was crushing hard on the collie mix.

"Where's she to huh? You ready?" I asked making him bark up at me. Grinning, I opened the door and waited as Bailey the hurricane tore through the house in search for her.

"BAILEEEEEEYYY BOOOOOO!" Zak sang followed by a chorus of barking and yapping.

I laughed softly and pulled off my coat and set it up on the hanger. Kicking off my boots, I headed into the house where I found Zak watching both dogs racing around the garden happily. He had ditched his top and judging from the wet hair, he had showered.

"Hmm this is a nice view." I purred crossing the lounge towards him.

"Well I have a lady coming over and I wanted to look my best." He replied turning to give me a kiss.

The smell of his shower gel had me giddy and I subtly tucked myself up under his arm for some support. "How's mom and Brian?"

"Good, they are going away for the weekend, some log cabin hideout in California."

"Sounds nice."

"It does, doesn't it?" I replied nuzzling against his bare chest.

"We could do that.. I mean, as a holiday? If you wanted." Zak responded.

"Really? You'd do that?"

"Absolutely. Besides, I might actually convince you to move in with me entirely instead of hanging onto that damn apartment."

"I think it's good that I still have it. Sometimes we don't come home alone and we need a place to crash."

He sighed "I know.. I just want you all to myself. That's all."

"Well you have me now."

His brow quirked "Think the kids will be alright outside?"

I pondered "At least open the kitchen door for them, in case they get a little cold."

Zak rolled his eyes "They both have a fur coat on."

"And Gracie is a lady. You can't expect her to stay outside for hours on end in the middle of December." I countered.

"Hours huh?"

"Absolutely. I don't plan on letting you go any time soon. Besides, we hardly got 5 minutes to ourselves whilst away?"

Zak agreed "I couldn't believe Bacon just waltzed into our room."

"You can't? I almost died. Thank god we had the sheet over us!"

"That did little for me trying to hide my boner."

I giggled.

"Or that fine ass." I replied slapping it.

He hissed before sending me a growl "Bedroom. I'll sort the dogs."

"Yes sir!" I saluted before slipping away.

I went into the bedroom and began stripping off my clothes, whilst grinning to myself.

A lot had changed over the year of us being together. Whilst some things remained the same..

I had almost moved in with Zak, however I still clung to my apartment as sometimes when we rowed and I couldn't take the effects of an attachment he sometimes had, I'd go there and lay low until he came around with apologies and kisses. I wouldn't be so naïve to say that we never argued, hell 65% of the time we were at each other's throats. But Zak had an effect way of shutting me up and that was kissing before eventually falling into bed.

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