La revedere

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Lifting my chin slightly, I closed my eyes at the wind gently blowing across my face. Pulling me into a relaxed state from what I have been like for the past few days.

"He misses you, you know?" My mom spoke beside me. I opened my eyes to catch her pushing her greying hair behind her ears, before looking down at the golden dog beside our legs, watching me with every move.

"I miss him too." I replied honestly leaning forward to pet him. My heart warmed as he burrowed his head into my palm, lapping up all the attention he could get.

"How's that apartment of yours?" She questioned.


"Mina." She chide before turning her green eyes my way, awaiting my answer.

"It's bad. I still have mould and Alistair is still a creep." I haven't told her about the radiator, in fact my mom isn't quiet aware that my once cream apartment is almost covered in mould.

I didn't miss my moms nose twist in distaste at the mention of Alistair, maybe I shouldn't be so judgemental, but the man gave a lasting impression. And not a good one.

"Why don't you come and live with me? Until you're back on your feet?" She suggested looping her arm through mine.

My heart and soul sung for warmth, comfort and even safety. But I knew moving back in with my mom would be impossible, the house she shared with my step dad Brian was too small. Perfect for an older couple, but not enough room for a 25 year old. Besides, they already had my dog!

"Mom.." I began trying to word my answer without offending her. "As much as I would love to, it would be impossible-"

"Nothing is impossible. You say the word and I'll make ro-"

"No thank you." I interrupted. "Thank you for your offer but I have to work this out on my own. You understand. Don't you?" I asked her.

"No. Quiet frankly I don't, Mina. You're being stubborn. We have Bailey, so what's the issue with having you too?"

"Did you just compare me to a dog?" I asked her in disbelief.

"It's another mouth to feed. You know Brian would love to have you over." She frowned before pulling on my arm "At least give it some thought, I can't bare the idea of you in that awful apartment."

I nodded "I will. I promise."

Heading in the direction of my mom's home, I felt her eyes on me. "Out with it.."

"You look paler and thinner. Are you sure you're eating enough?"

I looked down at my generous size  "Yeah. I'm eating fine." I mumbled.

My size had always been an issue growing up, throughout childhood I had the comments, the pointing, name calling. I guess kids just didn't understand that not everyone is suppose to be thin.  I used to think that when I grew up, people would stop talking about my size, I was wrong.

I wasn't this perfect body shape, I wasn't this curvaceous sex magnet either, I was just plain me. A little too short at 5,3. My hair was brown but under the sunlight, the colours showed themselves off properly, my eyes were brown, lips a little plump, my hips were wide, boobs naturally a little big, thick thighs, perk butt and a waist that never could decide on growing or shrinking. I'd prefer shrinking. But like I said, this body wasn't perfect.

"Oh I didn't mean to upset you, sweetheart. You know I over worry."

I nodded and gave her a gentle smile. "I know. I'm just tired that's all."

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