V- for Vampire

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"Will you please put your phone away?" Ella asked again making my face flush

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"Will you please put your phone away?" Ella asked again making my face flush. I avoided her eyes as I stuffed it into my pocket again, knowing that she would be giving me the look. The same look she had given me the first 6 times she had asked. The look being get-it-out-again-I-will-explode.

"Sorry." I answer turning my attention back to the vast majority of clothes she had slung over her arm. "Holy cow, you buying all that?"

"No, you're trying it on."

I balk "All this for one interview?"

Ella nodded her head rapidly and pulled me off the seat I had commandeered. "Now go, change."

I groaned taking the clothes from her and walking towards the dressing rooms.

"I want to see them on too!" She called from behind me.

"Yes mother." I throw back and quickly dart inside before she can find a shoe to throw at me.

Sliding the curtain across, I hang up the clothes and begin to strip off. I'm not a fan of trying clothes on, I usually go in with a purpose and leave, nine times out of ten I have to return the things and buy a different size. But it's just the whole thing of changing in a room that you're not familiar with, wondering if that mirror really is a mirror or if some perv is behind it.

Trying on different skirts and dresses, I sigh as each time Ella nods approvingly and then sends me back to try another one on.

Admittedly, I liked some of her choices but once you try on one skirt and one dress.. Do I really need to try on the other 6?

"How about this?" I asked sliding the curtain back in my normal clothes.

Ella's eyes snap up before they narrow "Wonderful. Come on, I'm trying to help you here."

"I know.. But I've tried them all on."

She sat back a little surprised "You have?"

"Uh huh." I nod letting her lean on the seat to look inside the chaos of the changing cubicle.

"Damn, looks like we have... Okay let's get the high waisted skirt, white silk blouse because it's cute and we can find a pair of heels."

From how quick she had decided out of the pile, I narrowed my eyes back. "You knew what you were going to pick already."

She grinned "I did.. But I had to get some entertainment from this."

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