Fielding the calls

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"Oh Mina!" My mom gasps looking around my apartment in awe.

For the last 10 minutes she has ran room from room looking at everything, from the large king bed to the door handles (don't get me started), with gasps and squeals every so often.

Honestly, it's like she is the child.

I watch as she races back to me before pulling me into a bone crushing hug "Oh darling it's perfect for you! I'm so proud!"

All I can do is muster a smile, I didn't want to tell her that in 3 months time, I would have to find somewhere else to live because I guarantee, I would not be able to afford the rent on this place.

"You even have furniture outside!" She exclaims.

"So you like it?"

"Oh I love it!" She gushes. "So does Bailey!"

I look around her to see Bailey running up through the garden with his stuffless fox between his teeth, shaking his head erratically.

"Is it expensive? Can you afford it?"

"Of course, that's how I'm here, silly." I lie, feeling the bile rise in my throat.

I hate lying to my mom, after my dad passed away, we had always told each they everything, no matter how small. I didn't want to see the look of disappointment in her eyes when I told her no. So I lied..

"Everything okay sweetheart?"

I nod. "Absolutely."

Yet another lie.

For the past 3 days, Zak had rang my phone and popped around once. I never opened the door and simply refused to speak to him. He had sense not to use the spare key, he subsequently forgot to tell me about, that was until the other night with Hunter.

I was still mad at him, in more ways than one and I was also too stubborn to tell him why I left the store. I just knew he'd be there to try and talk me around. When I could already see that his efforts were fruitless, I'd meet his mom
and she would see straight through me.

I couldn't let him down, not like that. So I had taken my actions as the right thing to do. What's the harm in calling it quits now? Before anybody got hurt.. Well I say anybody, just my pride.

"How is that nice young man?" My mom spoke pulling me from my thoughts.

"Um.. We-"
Great, now what do I tell her? Oh the man who was paying me to be his girlfriend? Oh he's great, in fact he's dandy. A little pissed off that he's wasted time with me but other than that..

"You've had a fight." She concludes. "Sweetheart, I knew something was wrong. Talk to me."

I struggled to find the words, simply based on the fact that our relationship, wasn't a relationship at all. Our fights were just that, fights. Not love spats.

"I really don't want to talk about it.." I mumble.

"How come?" She asks.

"Because it's my own fault, my stubbornness and pride caused it."

"Ahh.." She replies looking out the window into the garden "Yeah, you take after your father for that one, unfortunately. He was pig headed at times, infuriated me of course, but he had the charm to smooth things over."

I watch the faint smile play on her lips as she reminisces, deep down, in her heart, she would always love and miss him. Brian was an amazing guy, but even he knew that too. My mom still had her wedding ring, it was on a chain around her neck.

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