Feeling the 'Trick' rather than the treat.

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The next morning, when I woke, Zak and Gracie were gone. I felt a little disheartened how he always did the disappearing act and it did little to help my already growing anxiety of what we were.

What do you expect? His and her mugs? How about dressing robes?

Alright up there. Keep it down.

I got myself out of bed and took a hot shower to release the tension I had created from wondering if we needed a label for this, it was clear we were fuck buddies and I'd be lying if I said that didn't hurt.

I cleaned up after last night and set my apartment back straight, tossing the pumpkin away as it looked horrible from being in the heat over night. Note to self, never put it near a radiator..

I wasted my time until I had to get ready, setting out the clothes on the bed, I put on the new underwear I bought yesterday hoping that if I got the job, I could go share the news with Zak in person before letting him carry on with preparing for the lockdown.

The white suspender belt sat perfectly against my skin as I clipped on the stockings and checked myself out in the mirror. Feeling my confidence growing, I grinned and got myself ready with the high waisted black pencil skirt and white silk wrap around blouse, taking Ella's advice on leaving a little gap for teasing.

Once I had my shoes on, I donned my glasses instead of my contacts, feeling very much the sexy secretary. Pushing on some strawberry lip balm and ruffling my hair, I set off. Making sure to grab my almost non existent portfolio with my resumé and qualifications. Or lack of..

I hated buses. Literally loathed them as they always smelt, were always dirty and there was always one Pervy guy. This one just so happened to be the bus driver.

Taking my seat, I held the portfolio to my chest and kept it there until it was my stop. I didn't miss his snigger of approval as I got off.

Urgh, please don't.

I had worked out from my phone where I had to walk to and how long it would take as yours truly, remembered everything else, apart from her freakin' coat!

As my jaw juddered with coldness, I quickened my pace and got to the long dark building. Seeing the windows and desks behind it, I groaned.

I knew this would be completely different from the coffee shop, I won't be making bakery items or serving coffee wishing people a good day and thrive from seeing them tuck into a slice of cake I had crafted. No, this would be me, stepping into a job that I would have to deal with and when you had to deal with a job, you would have to fake happiness. Something I vowed to stop doing many years ago.

A shiver tore down my spine, snapping me back to reality and into entering through the heavy glass doors.

A receptionist looked up from her desk, Bluetooth piece in her ear and a piece of gum snapping around her mouth. As I approached she lifted her finger to silence me and answered the call that just arrived... After me.

Looking around the reception area, I took notice of the navy marble floor and walls, with various green plants potted on the floor to give the dark room some life.

"Name?" The receptionist spoke making me turn to face her as she lifted her brow.

"Mina. Mina Brooks."

She typed it in and clicked at the screen before looking up and me "ID?"

"Oh. Uh-" Opening my portfolio I handed over my passport and waited.

"Fine." She handed it back. "Floor 3, take a right and take a seat."

I gave her a smile and a small thank you before getting into the elevator. My nerves began kicking in and the perspiration on my hands were making me even worse.
Who wants to shake a sweaty hand?!

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