I wish I was the moon... Tonight

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3 days later..

I kicked the bedding off me. Staring at the empty side of the bed was enough, but to see that the clock read 2.43am was enough to make me super mad.

I couldn't sleep, no matter what I tried.
From being to hot to being to cold, to having the bedding off to having it on. From being lonely, to horny, to overtired, to wide awake.

"This is so shit!" I huffed.

I had tried reading and even playing some stupid game on my phone. But nothing..

And I think I knew who was to blame as my eyes landed on the parcel across the room. The pure audacity of that man, thinking he was being funny when in fact he wasn't funny, at all!

The day had been going averagely shit, I was bored to the point I was sat upside down on his couch watching some documentary on how they made sewing needs... Told you I was bored!

Anyway, I sat up when I heard the door and eventually got up to find the mail man stood outside holding a parcel. I signed for it and closed the door before walking back into the lounge and setting it down on the table. But just as I noticed my name scrawled across the top, my phone rang.

"Why is there a parcel for me?" I asked Zak instantly.

"Because it is for you.."

"What is it?"

"Open it."

I placed him on loud speaker and tore open the packaging, after hoards of unnecessary brown paper being stuffed inside the box, I peered in and found out exactly what he had ordered..

"Oh. Um. How thoughtful of you." I spoke breathing carefully.

"You look insanely bored Peaches."

"I am. But does that constitute your reason for buying me a dildo!" I hissed quietly.

"It's actually a vibr-"

"I don't want to know!"

"You're mad. Why?"

"Because it's a little degrading seeing as my other dildo is working!"

When he laughed it only spiked my anger. "I'm calling you the dildo Zak. It's not a compliment to your dick!"

"I can sense your angry and you know the way to sort that? Use my present, get your release.."


"Why don't you slip into something comfy, waltz your beautiful ass up to my office and take advantage of my desk so I can see you properly.."

"You're a creep. It's weird that you're watching me." I answered back.

"How so? I miss seeing you and I'm looking out for trouble."

"No you're spying on me." I deadpanned.

The phone call resulted in me hanging up after we rowed, I vowed to shove it down his throat when he got home. For some reason he didn't like my version foreplay and now I was laying here at 2.43 am. I began to believe he was right, I needed a release.

But I refused to entertain the idea of a vibrator, I didn't need one in the past and I certainly wasn't going to need one now! No, I was going to go to sleep and when Zak gets home in how many days, he's going to become my bitch until he's crawling out the room and I'm dragging him back in like some nymphomaniac.

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