Bagans? Or Baggins? [m]

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My legs kicked wildly, as I struggled against the grip someone had around me, pulling me off the side walk into a dark and stinking alleyway. My eyes scanned rapidly for anything I could use as a weapon if I needed too, and apart from a roadworks cone, I was screwed.

I grunted in pain when I was shoved against the damp wall, my face inches away from connecting with brickwork of the building.

Opening my jaw as wide as I could, I felt my teeth graze over the hand, that's when I bit down causing the person to yell out and drop me.

Stumbling away, I grabbed the cone and was ready to use it as my only weapon when I turned to see Zak stood there nursing his hand.

"What the hell are you doing?!" I yelled at him angrily.

"Me?! What the fuck are you playing at? You're not an animal! Why did you bite me?!" He shouted back.

"Because I thought you were going to hurt me!"

"Well I clearly wasn't, you idiot!"

I threw the cone at him.

I couldn't decide whether I threw it at him in frustration for doing that or relieve that it was him and not some crazed drugged person.

Of course he stepped out of its path. "Really?!" He added.

"Hang on.." It dawned on me. "Y-you're here? Why are you here? How.. Are you here?"

"Well I woke up and you weren't there." Zak began.

"So you hunted me down like a wild animal?"

"You bit me and you're acting like one." He answered assessing his hand.

"How did you find me?" I asked again.

"You're wearing my coat, Mina." He pointed out making me look down at it.

Pulling the black coat away from my body, I realised he was right. It was his.. Well damn no wonder it was so warm!

"Heh. Easy mistake."

"You've also got my phone in the pocket. I had to use your computer to track my phone to find you.. What the hell are you doing in there?" He asked.


"Settling what?"

"Business. Settling business." I confirmed nodding my head.

His brow rose "Do you have any idea how insane you sound right now? It's what? One? Two am? And you've just came out of a.. Is that a strip club?"

"Swingers." I answered making his eyebrows raise.

"Oh relax I wasn't there to join in." I replied. "Gavin was in there."

Zak turned towards the end of the alley "And you what? Just shared a drink? Catch up for old times sake? What?"

Seeing the annoyance in his face and hearing it rise in his throat, I began chewing my lip.


Jesus, it's like being scolded.

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