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I was emotionally conflicted, confused and hurt at being lied too. I felt torn on what to say or even do in this situation.

That's probably why after Ella left, I tore the contract up and in such a burning rage, had left Zak a text telling him that he could take back the apartment and could shove his money right up his ass.

His response was quick, he almost sounded confused but even as he tried to call, I refused to answer, shut off my phone and left the apartment.

I didn't know his game, I certainly didn't want to find out and there was no way on earth that I was going to be a part of it.

I'd placed trust in him, he let me believe that he was just a museum owner. But whilst most people would think that perhaps he was just being modest, to me it was like he lied to my face. That he'd broken the trust and I had allowed myself to be played.. Again

Maybe a lot of what I was feeling was pity for myself as well as anger for allowing myself to be in that position again. But I had a past and it was black, tainted and disgusting...

I'd let myself feel something towards him, the man who donned black, with beautiful eyes, the drop dead gorgeous smile and juicy biceps. The man who was intelligent, admirable, funny and terribly sarcastic. Who's charm could tame the most vicious and venomous snakes. Who's protective nature allowed me to feel safe for the first time in so many years. I had developed those feelings, allowed them to nurture in a small part of my mind and heart.. But now I realise they had been based upon a man I didn't actually know.

So here I was, seeking comfort and attention from a man who really was only after one thing, and it wasn't my charming personality.

"Thought you were busy?" Hunter smirked as I stood at his door.

"I changed my plans."

His smirk grew "That's what I like to hear.."

He moved back allowing me to enter his apartment, not wanting to rush straight into the bedroom, I walked into the lounge area letting my eyes roam over the blue walls. Some held vinyls, and the others held quirky pieces, like a clock made out of a car alloy wheel, it was illuminated by a blue neon light.

"This is nice." I smiled turning to face him as he leant against the door frame, his shirtless body and low hanging jeans doing nothing for my nerves.

"Do you want a drink?"

I nodded "That would be good."

"Well I got water or beer." He replied walking into the small kitchen area and opening his fridge.


He grinned "Good choice."

Pulling out a bottle, he sauntered over and held the bottle out for me to take. As my hand reached for it, he pulled it towards him making me grin.

"Thank you."

"I was looking for a little more.."

I stepped forward and pushed my body against him as my lips met his. With gentle encouragement, I opened my mouth letting him delve in to find my tongue. But before he could get too heated, I pulled away with my beer in my hand.

"Hmm." He responded slapping my backside as I walked away.

"So what do you do here all day by yourself?" I queried sitting down on his couch.

He grinned "Really want me to answer that?"

I giggled and began playing with the label on the bottle as a distraction. My eyes only moved off the bottle when Hunter moved over to the couch and sat down beside me.

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