Coyote Opposites

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I moan softly at the warmness of my bed. The morning sun slowly creeping into the room, washing it with warm rays.

My head felt a little fuzzy from the night before, but I smile knowing myself and Zak had a good time.

This morning is the first morning in a long time that I felt some source of excitement bundling around my body, looking for an outlet. Which is when I roll over in bed ready to wind Zak up and maybe kick him off the bed when I see he has gone.


My excitement dies down gently into my tummy. Then it builds as I look at the closed bedroom door.
Maybe he's in the kitchen..

I clamber out the sheets and recover from my slight tumble as the sheet wraps itself around my leg. Kicking it away, I pull the door back.



Padding my way to the kitchen, I find it empty. It's only when I'm making myself a cup of coffee that I see a note stuck to the fridge.

Something came up. I'll be out of Vegas for a few days. Z.

The excitement fizzles out, lost in the depths of my soul as I stare at the words on the sticky note.

What did I do?

Did I make him mad?

Did I show him up last night?

Maybe he's changed his mind and realised he doesn't need me?

I would be lying if I said that thought didn't hurt me. Fixing my coffee, I took my cup back to bed in order to laze around until my shift began at 2pm. Where I knew Ella would ask for an in depth analogy of what happened, along side every facial movement, eye shift and mouses fart..

Sighing to myself, I look over at the space in which he had slept to last night. I could remember stirring out of a night terror in the small hours and seeing him there. His arm led out towards me.. I could remember moving closer to him as my eyes searched the darkness of my bedroom, looking for those demons. But they never arrived, his presence saw to that.

Maybe he had a coyote ugly moment? Maybe that's why he bailed?!

Everyone knows the quote behind the words Coyote Ugly. 
    - and the person you're next to is layin' on your arm and they're so ugly you'd rather chew off your own arm than risk waking them... That's coyote ugly.

Whilst that thought churned in my mind, I noticed a new addition to my bedside table, setting my coffee down, I reached across the bed and grabbed hold of the object before pausing when his cologne drifted up off my pillow.

God in heaven...

I knew it was weird.. Hell I would have said it was weird, but I face planted the pillow and inhaled deeply. Revelling in his scent of man, vanilla, leather and a slight scent of spice.

Once I pulled myself together, I lolled my head to the side and inspected the item in my hand..

It's thick black strap and silver face looked back at me. He'd left his watch..

Did he actually gnaw his arm off?

My eyes widened at the mere thought before I realised how ridiculous that was... I mean, there wasn't any blood.

I set it down seeing the Breitling logo, knowing his car was a Bentley, curiosity got the better of me and I found my phone out to text him and to also check at how expensive it was.

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