On the dotted line

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The cool slender piece of plastic sat between my fingers as I stared down at the last sheet of paper requiring my signature.

We had gone through the contract with a fine tooth comb, but I was still having anxiety about signing on the line. It was as though a wall of anxiety would break if I did. Maybe this was my warning? A warning from the heavens above that I shouldn't be playing with such a hard and heavy emotion as love. That I of all people should understand the harmfulness of someone's actions and words placed upon another..

Maybe it was my conscious telling me to listen to my heart, to really consider it one last time. Would waiting really matter? Could I be given a grace period? Maybe I could take the contract home and revise it again when I wasn't under the pressure of his gorgeous eyes or godly cologne that made me want to melt in my seat.

But what would putting off something I knew I wanted to sign achieve? This was going to benefit us both, I just had to see it in a positive light now.

This would be it. My freedom, or what felt like my freedom..

"I can still do what I want.. Right?" I asked looking at Zak who's eyes moved off the contract to look at me.

"Absolutely. Mina, you can still back out of it now, just because you signed those pieces of paper, it doesn't mean you've agreed. This is your final agreement here.." He replied tapping his finger onto the table.

"Then why am I so worried?"

"What's there to worry about?" He asked "It's a contract of employment, think of it like that. I will pay you to work for me and you will work. This isn't going to be a freeloading job."

I understood that as well as his rule of not leaving his eyesight. That to me sounded more submissive than what some of the contractual lines were. But upon his explanation, I realised he was in fact trying to look out for me...

I have also never been a freeloader, I've enjoyed working, no matter what it was, from washing dishes to serving coffee, I've enjoyed it all.

"And I can do all this and maintain my job?" I asked looking at the servitude section again.

"Absolutely. Look at it as a second job that pays well. But whilst my mother is around you'll be my partner.."

"You know," I laid the contract down and pushed my hair behind my ears "It would be easier if you just told your mom to back off and stop hassling you over this. Explain that you wanna play the field."

He chuckled "I've been telling her that the last 18 years."

"Huh? How old are you?"

Oh god.. please don't tell me he's old and is addicted to surgery.

"I'm 40."

"Holy shit I've got a sugar daddy." I whispered to myself.

Zak's laugh made my eyes widen "I am so sorry, I j-"

"You're fine. Relax, I'm gonna take it as a compliment though.."

"Definitely." I nodded looking away from him as the tips of my ears burned.

"Are there any things you'd like to add? Preferences? Allergies? Availability?"

I pondered for a moment, even looking at Zak as I thought it over. My eyes landed on his goatee making me smile.

"What is it?" He asked amused.

"I like the salt and pepper goatee."

He drew his fingers over it before smiling down at the table "Grey is a give away now huh?"

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