Caught Cheating-Pewdiepie

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I was out in the park walking Edgar and Maya when my phone buzzed in my pocket. I took my phone out, sitting on a bench. Edgar and Maya sat by my feet as I texted back.

Felix: Hey babe <3

Y/n: Hey sweetie X

Felix: Y/n's out walking Edgar and Maya, she'll be gone for a while. You have time to come over.

I froze as I read this. I decided to play along.

Y/n: Ok, be there soon. What're we going to do?

Felix: Same as last time. Better though

Tears pricked my eyes as I gripped my phone tightly.

Y/n: I'll be over in five

Felix: See you soon <3

I stood up, shoving my phone in my pocket, holding tightly onto the two leads and running back home at a pace Edgar and Maya could keep up with.

I burst through the door, running up the stairs after dropping the leads. I ran to Felix and my room after grabbing a suitcase from the storage cupboard. I pushed open the door to the room, seeing Felix lying on the bed on his phone. I grabbed my clothes, showing them in the suitcase.

"What are you doing, babe?" Felix asked, sitting up.

"Don't call me that." I growled.

"What?" Felix furrowed his brows.

"Check who you sent this messages to." I clenched my teeth as Felix checked his phone, eyes widening.

"Y/n! It's not what you think!" He jumped from the bed, trying to stop me from packing my clothes.

"I think that it's you cheating on me because I'm not good enough. You know how many people have done this to me. I should've expected this. I'm moving back to Ireland with Jack. And you're not stopping me." I growled, zipping up my suitcase and standing up. I left the room, lifting my suitcase as I ran down the stairs. Felix ran behind me.

I unlocked my car, putting the suitcase in it. Felix pressed me against the car, stopping me from moving.

"Please don't go! I won't cheat!" He pleaded.

"You already have! From what you said, same as last time, I know what you do when I'm gone! Just leave me alone. Don't speak to me." I gritted my teeth, tears sliding down my face. "I should never have trusted you. I should've listened to Jack." I pushed Felix off of me, getting in the car and starting it up. Felix watched as I reversed out of the driveway, tears falling from my eyes and onto my lap.

Cheaters stay cheaters. I should never have trusted him, and now I've payed the price.

JackSepticEye/Markiplier/Pewdiepie X Reader imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now