Tattoo Artist-JSE

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Jack's POV

I was finally going to get a tattoo. I was going to get the Hunter's Mark from Bloodborne on the lower part of my right arm. Hopefully the tattoo artist isn't weirded out by it. I thought to myself.

"Uh, Sean McLoughlin." I said to the man behind the counter.

"Okay, we have someone waiting for you in that room there." The man gave a small smile as he told me where to go. I nodded and walked to the door before going through.

"Hello?" I asked as I shut the door.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm coming." A feminine voice replied. Another door opened and a girl with h/l h/c hair, e/c eyes, her arms full of different tattoos.

She walked over to me as she tied her hair up.

"Y/n l/n. Your tattoo artist." She smiled brightly. I shook her hand. " Now sit on that bed seat thing, that I don't know the name of..." She whispered the last part. "And then you give me the design you want." She walked over to the seat thing and I followed, sitting on it. I gave her the design.

"Is that okay?" I asked.

"You want the Hunter's Mark from Bloodborne?" She asked in amazement. I nodded. "That's one of my favourite games, look!" She pointed to her arms. She also had the Hunter's Mark with tons of others. There was Gaius nearer the top, the Tri-Force of Courage, Foxy from FNaF and more I didn't recognise. "Yeah, I love video games... Now! Let me sort everything out and then we can start!" She smiled.

Twenty minutes later, y/n was starting to draw on my tattoo. It nipped and hurt a bit but I tried my best not to move around.

"Don't worry. You'll get used to it. It hurts at first." Y/n smiled, not looking up from what she was doing.

"Hey, what's that tattoo for?" I asked with my teeth clenched, using my left arm to point to a tattoo on y/n's arm. It was writing that said: I love you so much xxx.

"Oh, uh... That's my grandma's writing. She died when I was thirteen of cancer so I decided to get her writing as a tattoo so I won't forget." She smiled softly. "We were really close and when we found out that she had cancer, I helped her with basically everything." Y/n talking about this took away the pain from my tattoo. You wouldn't think that someone as happy like y/n would've gone through this.

"I'm sorry." I muttered.

"Oh no! You don't have to be sorry. It was a simple question. You just wanted to know the answer." She chuckled softly, wiping one of her eyes after she took a glove off.

An hour later, I was done.

"Uh, can I get your number?" I asked y/n. She smiled and nodded. She grabbed a Sharpie and wrote her number on my left arm.

"There you go." She patted my arm. "I hope I'll see you another time!" She grinned as I left. I waved before shutting the door behind me.

JackSepticEye/Markiplier/Pewdiepie X Reader imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now