I'm Coming Home-JSE

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I sat in my car, halfway through the 463 mile drive. I'd been away on a work trip. I had to work in Glasgow for a few days, meaning I had to be away from my boyfriend, Jack.

We skyped everyday, texted and called. I hadn't told Jack when I was coming home. It was going to be a surprise.

I sipped on my coffee, the only thing keeping me awake on this journey. Rain hit the window hard, my windscreen wipers wiping it away instantly.

The edge was almost over. I was so close to home. Twenty miles to go. I was tired. So close to drifting off. I'd had roughly seven cups of coffee. Yes it wasn't healthy. Yes it wasn't good for you. Did I care? No. Did I want to die when I was so close to home? No.

I drove past the familiar with saying: Welcome to Brighton. I was jumping in my seat. Either from excitement of all that coffee made me hyper. Probably the second one...

The curtains were open but no movement downstairs. The lights were on in one room, Jack's recording room. I smiled. I'll surprise him while he's recording a video. I was so excited to surprise him.

I locked the car, entering the house. I silently closed the door and went up the stairs as quietly as possible. I made my way to the recording room, the shouting getting louder. A huge smiled made its way into my face. I had the perfect plan.

I opened the door and poked my head through.

"Want some coffee?" I asked.

"Yeah please." Jack replied. I rolled my eyes as he froze. He turned his head, his mouth hanging open before bursting into a smile. "Y/n!" He exclaimed, running over and hugging me. I hugged him back.

"I'm back, Jackaboy." I smiled, pecking him on the lips. Jack's bright blue eyes shone.

"I can see that." He laughed.

"You ruined the cute moment!" I whined, resting my forehead on his.

"Oh, sorry. I mean, uh... I love you?" He chuckled softly.

"I love you too." I smiled.

JackSepticEye/Markiplier/Pewdiepie X Reader imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now