I Am Not Nothing-Pewdiepie

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I lay on the bed, my arm over my eyes. Tears soaked my skin and bruises littered it. He made me feel like nothing. He made me feel cursed.

I'd lie on the bed, staring at the ceiling at night. Debating whether to leave or not. He told me that every time he hurt me, he did it because he loved me. And me, being the stupid and trusting person I am, believed him.

He'd just left the house. This was my chance. I could leave! I didn't need to depend on him. It'd be hard to begin again, but I could start a happy life. I was taking back my life.

I stood up from the bed, searching for a bag. I found a large, dark blue one at the bottom of the wardrobe. I took it out and began packing all of my clothes in it. I put all of my belongings in. Everything but the bracelet he got me.

Felix & Y/n ❤

Removing it from my grasp by putting it on his bedside table, I stood up. I grabbed all my shoes and toiletries and packed them in before grabbing my coat. I stroked Maya and Edgar behind their ears, blowing them a kiss before running out of the house. I locked the door behind me before turning and walking through the streets.

That was the bravest thing I'd ever done. Leave. I was going to forgive myself. Accept that I couldn't control who he was now. But now I was free. I could be happy. Not scared about how hard the next punch or kick would be.

The wind blew at my hair, nipping against my skin.my unzipped coat blew behind me slightly, as well as the laces on my shoes. The sun was bright for once and the sky was a beautiful light blue.

I walked along the beach, my arms out beside me. I let out a sigh of content, closing my eyes for a second. It'd been a while since I'd been to the beach. Felix locked me in the house most of the time, unless it was to get shopping.

The sea lapped, almost reaching my f/c converse. The wind wasn't as strong now. Just a light, cool breeze. The air smelled of the sea and the sun shone brighter than before.

I'm free.

I can be happy.

I am not nothing.

JackSepticEye/Markiplier/Pewdiepie X Reader imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now