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Keep in mind, you and Jack are about eighteen in this

Jack's POV

I was forced to join boxing by my parents because I was never out of the house. I expected the place to be full to the brim by large, bulky, sweaty men but that wasn't what happened. About nine men trained, while in the far corner was a person who caught my eyes. The only girl. She had h/l h/c hair, tied at the back of her head. She looked about 5'5 (Just go with it). She was dressed in some shorts, a sports bra and a flowy top over the top. She looked like she could beat the toughest guy at school up.

The girl was listening to music, punching the bag with all her strength. When a trainer stood up on the stage like thing, she took her earbuds out, turning to face him. Her h/c hair blew away from her face, revealing e/c eyes.

"Right then! Time for the monthly match! Today it's Bruno and Y/n!" The man announced. The girl walked to a locker, opening it and putting her phone in before shutting it and running up to the boxing area. She pulled a mouth guard from her pocket, putting it in her mouth. She put boxing gloves on her wrapped hands, getting in her stance. The other man, Bruno, was at least six foot tall. He was covered with muscles.

Half way through the fight, Bruno was losing. Y/n hit him everywhere, going with blinding speed. She'd occasionally add in flips and tricks before giving him a hard right hook.

Bruno lay on the floor of the ring with a busted lip, bruised eye and probably broken pride. Y/n kneeled next to him with a tissue, wiping the blood from his lip.

"You okay?" She asked, helping him sit up. Her voice was sweet. Just like ringing bells. Bruno nodded, groaning slightly. Y/n stood up, helping him up easily. She wrapped an arm around his waist, helping him out of the ring.

Your POV

"Y/n! C'mere!" Matthew, the main trainer for the boxing, called me over.

"Yeah, Mat?" I asked after I'd jogged over.

"This is Jack. He's new. Could you show him the basics? I'm busy training Ryan for regionals." Matthew asked. I nodded.

"Sure. Let's go." I waved Jack to follow me, heading to a separated boxing area.

"So I'm y/n. I've been here for about.... Twelve years? Yeah, twelve years." I started. "My dad was a professional boxer and my mum was one of the first aid nurses in matches. That's how they met. I'm eighteen, and I go to Athlone High." (Don't know if that is an actual school but to with it) I told him as I wrapped his hands.

"So do I! I've never seen you there before." Jack furrowed his brows. I simply smiled.

"That's because I'm only there for first and second period. The rest of the time, I'm here training. I'm going to nationals. I'm representing Athlone in the competition against Britain. According to Bruno, they have really bulky and strong men there..." I finished wrapping Jack's hands.

"Well,I might see you tomorrow at school then." I smiled as I shouldered my rucksack. Jack nodded with a smile.

"See ya." He replied. I gave him a two finger salute as he left. I sighed, walking over to Matthew. "I'll see you tomorrow." I smiled. Matthew nodded before turning round to clear up. I walked back to the door before leaving.

Next day at school

It was first period and I had PE first. It was a good warm up for later in the day. Right now, due to my dad calling up the school for the girls PE group being rubbish, I had boxing with the guys. I smiled as none of the guys knew I boxed.

"This is how it'll go! The winner of each match will go up against the winner in the other match until we get to the last two people. First march is y/n against Alex." Mr McQuaken (Foxechannelofficial Mr McQuacken) announced. We'd all had to buy our own gloves and mouth guards, and luckily I already had some. I stood in the center of the gym, after stretching, in front of Alex. He was part of the 'popular' group. He had brown hair that hung over his right eye, his eyes were blue and he was almost twice my height.

"No way you're going to beat me." He smirked, his Irish accent strong before he put in his mouth guard.

"We'll see about that." I replied with a smirk, putting on my mouth guard.

"Go!" Mr McQuaken blew his whistle. Alex swung his gloved fist, aiming for my face. I ducked before jumping up as high as I could and giving him a right hook in the face. He stumbled back a bit. I jabbed his stomach and weaved under his failing arms. Without breaking a sweat, I punched his stomach again and he fell to the floor.

"Y/n is the winner!" Mr McQuaken announced.

I'd won all of my matches, and now it was the last match. Me against the worst possible person ever. The guy who hated my guts. Mike Nerro. He hated me since nursery when I accidentally pushed him over in class. He harshly put in his mouth guard, standing in front of me with his fists in front of his face. I did the same, waiting for Mr McQuaken to blow the whistle. After a minute, he blew the whistle.

The last move before the match ended was me swinging my right/left fist at Mike's face, pushing him to the side and making him fall over.

"And we have our winner! Y/n l/n!" Mr McQuaken announced, holding my hand up in the air. The guys hesitantly clapped, hating being beat by a girl. Most had bruised faces or pride from fighting me. "Now get changed! Bell will be ringing soon! See you all next time." Mr McQuaken waved,ushering us to the changing rooms.

I was the only one in the female changing rooms, obviously, so I had more time to myself without choking on perfume. I looked at my arms, seeing the muscles bulging out of them. I sighed. One more class before I get to go to training.

And I'll make it to the finals. The national finals. And I'll win. I'll try my best, even if I don't win.

JackSepticEye/Markiplier/Pewdiepie X Reader imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now